By Max California - April 03, 2011

I've been scarce. SO SCARCE. I know. All for good reason though and I promise I will update with all the photos I can find. This weekend just gone I was Harley Quinn at Brisbane's Supanova 2011. It's a giant nerdfest basically and I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!

I'll do a proper rundown this week sometime when I have more time but I'm just going to leave this here for you so you can see that when you put your mind to something, you really can do ANYTHING. I never ever thought I would sew with lycra and enjoy it. I put in invisible zippers, I MADE gloves. I MADE shoes. I made ridic cute wrist ruffles. And even though everyone says I looked wicked awesome I already have plans on how to make my costume even more awesome.

I even made friends with my Harley Quinn idol Elise Archer.

In other news, Thera and I are planning something AWESOME for our blogs since we've been a bit down-in-the-dumps uncrafty lately. It's going to happen the first week of May and we'll be putting posts up about it tomorrow so stay tuned. Holler if you love Batman!

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  1. You looked AWESOME! It's a shame we didn't get a photo together :(

  2. You make an amazing Harley! I'm still absolutely blown away by how well your costume turned out.

  3. Your costume looks amazing!!! You're such an awesome seamstress. <3

    I can't wait for our little blog shindig...it's gonna be a blast.

    <3 <3 <3

  4. You look great! Going the distance is a real pain in the ass, but it pays off when you come out of it looking all kinds of fabulous.


  5. Wow, that costume is amazing! It turned out so well. You look awesome.


  6. you look SO awesome! wow, great work, love!
    can't wait for more of Batman Week! Wohoo!


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