Refashioning Roses

By ari - July 02, 2013

Today I am over at House of Estrela for Refashion July. I'll be talking about refashioning clothes and how I turned these...

Into this:

You can check out other things I have recycled and refashioned by checking out my Recycling Clothes tag.

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  1. super fun - I love when I can get super amazing outfits for my littles out of the 'ho hum' things in my wardrobe.

  2. What? This is soooo adorably cute! Thank you for sharing (I might really have to go get this pattern... :)

  3. I just don't know what to do when i see babies in Bimmaas! Especially Eddie's in em'! I love your refashioning skills girl! So inspiring! This little top looks so cute and Eddie is starting to look more and more like a little lady every day! xxxxxxooooo


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