Pastel Tribal Jeans: The Small Fry Skinny Jeans Sewalong Part 1

By ari - August 20, 2013

Laura of Craftstorming is currently doing a sew-a-long for the Small Fry skinny jeans. The good part is that she is only up to Day 2, so if you haven't started yet there is still time (I only started about 2 hours ago). The best part is that Laura has offered up a FREE pattern for toddler skinny jeans in a size 2. She is planning on releasing a paid pattern with more sizes in it, and you have the chance to win it by sewing a long and presenting your pair of jeans to see if they rock the casbah!

The pattern pieces are amazing. I have been sewing with A LOT of PDF patterns in the last year and Laura's pattern (her pattern company is called Titchy Threads) is probably my favourite in terms of easiness to piece together. Every single piece was clearly labelled, with multiple markings to make sure your pieces lined up when you joined them together. Argh I love it. I totally geeked out over it too when I was cutting and gluing. Sorry not sorry!

Look at that butt pocket. So niiiiiice.

Okay so I only managed to get through cutting all my pieces out and stitching up the steps of Day 1 (the pockets & the back yoke). I chose this pastel tribal-esque cotton drill that I scored at the op shop. Oh yeh man, I got 2.5m of this baby for $6. Who knows what I will use the rest of the fabric for but you're probably going to see it a lot ahha. Originally I was going to use the pink teddy poplin leftover from Vincent's Hosh pants, however I decided I wanted the back patch pockets to be in a stand out colour so I grabbed this grey button-up shirt of Tim's that had bleach spilled on the front of it (should get into the habit of taking BEFORE photos for ya'll!)

These won't fit Edison for another year, but hey, I'll be prepared ^_^

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  1. that fabric rocks - I'm going to try to get them done, but I will probably have to scramble and make them in one day, or make them next week and pretend I sewed along. They are such a fun pattern - and I love her fancy pants pattern too!!!

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