Perfect Pattern Parcel" Dixie DIY's Summer Concert Tee

By ari - March 15, 2014

So unless you've been living under a rock you will have heard of the Perfect Pattern Parcel by now. Not to worry if you haven't because I also live under a rock and I miss things all of the time, but at least the rock I live under is in contact with Jill from Made with Moxie and Rachael from Imagine Gnats and so I am in the know with this PPP business!


 Basically, the Perfect Pattern Parcel is a bundle of 5 patterns you can buy for one price. It's limited time only sort of thing, and there is a nifty countdown on their website if you need to work out how much time you have left. Here's a handy tip from me, DO NOT leave it until the last minute because you will miss out.

Parcel 1 Collage

This first pattern parcel is aimed for the mamas who sew, or you know, just women in general really! I sewed up the Summer Concert Tee by Dixie DIY which is a lovely quick and easy sew! I think I deserved this after the jeans I made Vincent earlier this week! 

I made a size S, and even though I am a small person, I got a new bra recently which has made the ladies very much HELLO! No more sad little breastfeeding boobies, but I think that perhaps I should have chucked the maternity bra back on for these photos or made the size M! 

It fits pretty well, but since I have a mummy belly still I paired it with my waisted denim shorts to cover up the cropped part. Of course you could make a longer style if you're a little self-conscious like me, or you could rock out with your tummy out or layer it over a plain coloured singlet (even wearing regular shorts you could barely see much skin! I've just been a littler conservative of late! I know, I know, look at my

The Summer Concert Tee is a comfortable top, easy to throw on and really easy to customise as you want it! I was going to make a lace-backed one but all I had in my stash was curtain lace, which would have looked really obviously curtainy! I also wanted to stencil something across the chest and I probably still will!

It features a hi-lo hem, and I really love the natural curve it takes without being so obviously here is the front and WOAH here is the back. It's a nice curve and I really like it! I don't know if I'm making any sense but I mean there are some shirts I've seen where the curve just doesn't flow.

The pattern has four pieces, and after printing out all your pages I can honestly say I have never put together a faster pattern! It was EASY sticking the printed out pages together, there wasn't as much cutting of excess paper that I usually have to do. Stoked! The hem has this sweet fluttery, waterfall effect to it

The fabric is this stretchy terry towelling like a beach towel but stretchy! I bought it from a fabric store years and years ago because look at these beach shorts I made tiny Vincent! I seriously thought it was an opshop buy, until I read that post just now! I have no idea why I would have bought so much of it!

I'm not sure if it could be made up in a woven fabric (not stretchy), but I bet if I made the neckline a bit deeper I could. It seems like it could be a nice flowy top from some pretty fabric in my stash!

So this is just one pattern from the first Perfect Pattern Parcel. There are 5 different patterns for women and I think they cater to all kinds of styles and sewing levels that you ladies may have! Can I tell you the really awesome part about the PPP? Okay there's two awesome parts. The first is: you get to choose how much you spend on the parcel.

Yeh. That is correct! You can spend a lot or a little, however much you can afford but most importantly, however much you feel you should be spending on it!

Here's a little incentive that may help you decide how much to spend on it

And if you are like me and kind of freak out at such a responsible decision (can't my mum make all my decisions for me?) Moxie & Gnatsy have decided to help out a charity of their choice with every Perfect Pattern Parcel release. To help little kids that don't get the same advantages that my kids have.

Yeh I hope that got you right in the feels! Haha!

 Oh yeh and the part where you get 5 patterns and get to do good in the world at the same time? Admirable!

That was supposed to be a coy look, but from sideways it just looks like I have no neck. Why is it so much easier to pose my children than it is myself? (95% of the time they pose themselves so I probably shouldn't take credit lol)

Want to know more about the Perfect Pattern Parcel?
About PPP:Put together two entrepreneurial makers driven by their internal voices and one self-taught hacker with an "if you build it, they will come" mentality, and Perfect Pattern Parcel was born. We are passionate about supporting independent designers in their craft and fostering a community of makers to grow. Our mission is to offer high-quality pdf sewing patterns written by indie designers while supporting children's education.
About Donors Choose:Donors Choose is an organization that matches up the needs of teachers and their students for specific projects with willing donors. The funds raised from each Pattern Parcel sale will go to help K-12 students in minimizing educational inequality and encourage a community where children have the tools and experiences necessary for an excellent education.
About Parcel #1:Pattern Parcel #1 includes sewing patterns for women that are modern classics, featuring both flattering silhouettes and garments that are comfortable to wear. From a new little black dress to weekend play wear, the patterns in Parcel #1 have got you covered.
Support Indie DesignersIndependent designers create patterns that are innovative, imaginative and in line with current style trends. Their patterns encompass a broad range of sizes and fabulous “out of the envelope” fit because they're thoroughly tested by real people. With detailed and well-explained instructions, these patterns often teach as you sew. Independent designers are approachable, providing support, suggestions, publishing additions to your favorite designs, and hosting interactive sewing events. When we are patrons of indie designers, we are supporting small, mostly women owned, businesses. We are developing the community around us. We are helping to making dream come true. 

If you want tio know even more, you can check out their website and buy the Perfect Pattern Parcel right here!

Perfect Pattern Parcel Buy Now

Watch this space for more sewn for me items from the first Perfect Pattern Parcel! Have you made something from the PPP #1? Details on how to share your stuff here

Shirt: Summer Concert Tee pattern by Dixie DIY
Shorts: JayJays
Shoes: Moccasins, eBay
Accessories: Anklet from Esk, Blink 182 silicone lyric bracelets & Black Milk silicone bracelet

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  1. i adore you. you look amazing, your shirt is killer, and thanks for all of the lovely words about PPP :) XO

  2. Who's a hot and sexy mama??!! That's right, girl - you are!! You look gorgeous in this outfit!!

  3. That shirt is amazing. I'm totally buying the pattern parcel RIGHT.NOW.

  4. Ha! You make me laugh! "has made the ladies very much HELLO." I decided to finally tackle making a custom bodice pattern for myself and when I took my bust measurement I was like, "What in the world! Where did all that come from?" I was shocked. Can I still claim pregnancy body after 2 years or is there a cutoff? Lol. Such a cute striped shirt you have here. This looks like a really neat pattern.

  5. COOL striped shirt. . . unique style looks comfy.... easy to sew, too. Cool accessories, too, so thanks for sharing. Sarah Helene, Minneapolis


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