Summer of No Pants: Now in 90s flavour!

By ari - August 14, 2014

Hey guys! I'm really excited to be part of another 'pants off' series this season! I mean, I love my leggings but wearing skirts and dresses is something I'm starting get the hang of!

Today I'm going to show you guys this hilarious thing I found out the op-shop a few years ago. I was all heart-eyes over the acid-wash denim, and I made a few pairs of kids shorts out of the voluminous skirts. I have trawled through my photos to try and find a photo of it but there's so many photos and I couldn't see it :(

It was floor length.

Acid-washed denim, but modest. I can't even! It was so hideous, my goodness!

So after repurposing mass amounts of this dress thing, I was left with this top part and then last year I was suddenly struck with desperately needing to wear it.

I went to see 5ive you guys. With my sister. It was the best time I've had seeing a band in a really long time, and since it was a throw back to our teenage years we thought we would dress as a throwback to how others were dressing at that time. Okay so notice I didn't say -we- were dressing like this? Hello no, in the 90s I was super duper not a fashionable person at all.

my dad was giving us a curfew :B
So I made us 5ive shirts, and then left my sister's one at home so being the awesome big sis I am I let her wear mine! Anyway in the years that I've had this hilariously ugly overall skirt thingy I somehow lost the original straps for it! So I had to make some news one from some of the scraps of the skirt, and then I cut the whole skirt even which made it pretty short! Seems to be a theme here? Ari and her inappropriate length dresses! 

I don't wear it that often, because it's super short and doesn't really work well with my school drop-off and pick up routine, however I love it SO much! It's probably my favourite skirt/dress combination! Do you have anything in your cupboard you love but wouldn't part with? Have you seen anything really grotesque on your thrifting adventures and then suddenly fallen in love with it the longer it's been in your possession?

Go check out the other Summer of No Pants adventures here!

Yeh dangerous territory here I know!

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  1. I'm pretty sure that you are they only person that can wear this thingy and actually look cool in it ;)

  2. My motto with unusual clothing is always Where it like you mean it!, which you obviously do, girl. Love it!

  3. I love this dress so much I am actually dying of jealousy!


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