Sew Geeky Episode VI: Spirited Away + Giveaway + Tutorial

By ari - September 25, 2014

This month's theme is Studio Ghibli! And while I do love some of the movies made by Studio Ghibli I really don't know enough about them to be an expert on the matter! This is all Kat's domain (she has a Princess Mononoke tattoo backpiece!) but I was excited to get into it anyway!

I chose Spirited Away, the first Studio Ghibli film I ever saw and I totally fell in love with it. It's pretty creepy though, so yeh, maybe watch it first before you let the kids see it! I was originally going to do Ponyo because it is sweet and lovely and totally child appropriate but I had legit no fabrics to do the Ponyo dress and Sosouke outfit that I wanted. No red, no yellow, no brown. HOW WEIRD IS THAT? It's weird to me, I have so much fabric stashed but I use red and yellow a lot (hello Robin!) and brown is like, the most hated colour of mine so I would never willingly buy it unless it was for a certain project or something. Anyway, I'd toyed with the idea of Spirited Away while we were coming up with themes, but decided against it because it's beautiful and creepy however I had a sheet in my stash to cut up that was the absolutely most perfect pink for Chihiro's (also known a Sen!) little outfit and bam, Sew Geeky for October was born.

While researching the outfit Sen wears in Spirited Away, the cute little pink one (I really wanted to make the green shirt and shorts one too but yeh, ambitions + time usually result in something a little less than what I envisioned. I am not Kat - I mean look at hers, ugh, she's almost too awesome) there are so many amazing resources on the traditional clothing that she wears. I was seriously considering doing all the layered pieces, but decided to simplify it a whole lot for a little two year old who is always very very enthusiastic about being measured and being shown fabric and helping me sew but skitzes when it's time to put it on. Never mind that she ends up LOVING what she wears. She's Eddie. She's two. Enough said!

I don't know what that face is but isn't it beautiful! I didn't want any closures on the top, and my mind immediately went to the Glass Onion Top that I have sewn up here and here! It just pulls on over the head and the measurements are just spot on for Eddie so I knew we wouldn't have any problems! I did the 12-18 month size, but really I could have sized up for longer wear with this top! It'll fit her this summer anyway, probably into autumn too! I modified it a little bit, extending the front bodice all the way down to the hem (As pictured in the left in the photo below!). I used the existing hem of the sheet! Also I did iron it... after. You should probably iron your fabric before cutting things up #guerillasewing. The back I folded back on the center back seam and pushed that up against the fold (as pictured on the right in the photo down there), doing the same as I did the bodice and making sure the sideseams were the same length as the front.

The sleeves are a few centimetres longer than the pattern, simply because I used the existing hem of the sheet a the hem on the sleeves. This is a very simple little basic top, and I really am stoked about it because Eddie can wear this with little shorts or jeans!

THIS was super helpful in figuring out to tie the Tasuki cord! I failed with the bow, but you know, try tying something to a two year old and let me know how you go with that! It's another sheet you guys! Yeh I cut a strip from a white sheet, folded it in half and half again and then stitched down the middle. Super simple stuff. It kept slipping off her shoulders though because I tied it quite loosely. If she was wearing this to a con I would probably do a few bartacks on the shoulders or just safety pin it to keep the little thing in place.

The shorts! SO fun! I did a little tutorial for how I made them right at the bottom of this post!

I used the Hosh Pants pattern by, yeh you already know who it's by, our lovely Sarah of LouBeeClothing! Should I just rename this blog Max Hoshifornia? I like the way that sounds.

Anyway! I did the size 2, because I wanted them to be baggy and I was using woven fabric with absolutely no stretch to it. Ah who am I kidding? Fabric? It's a sheet.

I cropped them just below the knee, but really if you pulled them down they sort of skim her ankles. Yeh baby has short legs! I elasticed the hems of the shorts, as well as just elastice the entire waistband instead of the adjustable waistband in the pattern. Also, as you can see, I made these huge big pockets on the side of the shorts. They're quite shallow pockets, maybe like an inch deep? Totally impractical but man, I love them!

 That is the entire outfit! I really had a lot of fun with this one, even though I didn't sew it until very last minute! We're talking cutting & sewing that morning, photos that afternoon!

Oh right! Outtakes yeh?

This little guy didn't get to model for me for this month's Sew Geeky! When he realised he was a little put out, but he was a good help anyway. And no that is not a doodle doodled onto his hand. It's a Star Wars ship, I can't remember which one.

That's basically her default face whenever she's feeling silly. You should see the hunch-shoulder shuffle that goes with it.

This is international sign of "I'm done!" Also she was yelling "I WANT TUDDLE!" And so I complied, the last photo we took for this little shoot and it was swiftly followed by many, many tuddles.

Okay yes, giveaway time! Want to win your own copy of the Glass Onion Top pdf pattern? Shauna of Shwin Designs has been kind enough to offer one for you to win! Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

GUYS THIS IS NOT ALL! Click each picture below to check out the stars of this episode of Sew Geeky!

Totoro by Rae Gun Ramblings

Yes I did write a tutorial for the shorts! Read on!
 Okay so I took some creative license with these shorts, they're obvs not completely identical to Sen's in the movie, but they're super cute for everyday wear! Even though the pockets are barely functional you could make the pocket bag deeper or make the hole a bit smaller and the they could be proper pockets. Seriously I want to make more of these with contrast pockets!

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  1. she is so cute. period. I love your version of the hosh pants too!

  2. I LOVE these shorts. How damn cool are those pockets? Regarding the giveaway: I have no idea which one I like best. Only now, after seeing all those wonderful posts pop up in my feed, I've ordered my first one, Totoro...

  3. Such a cool twist on the hosh pants!

  4. I've never seen a Studio Ghibli film, but my dad is loving in Tokyo right now and has been to the museum!

  5. my twins would flip for a Sen outfit like this. Well done!!

  6. Maxxxxxxxxxxxx! She is just too precious! And this outfit is SO, gah, it's SO GOOD. I am a.) in love with it. b.) want to make those pants for real. Also, lol at the brown fabric. You know I had to go out and buy mine. I felt so dirty buying it! >_< And VIN!!! HA! Azriella gets like that with photoshoots that don't include her too! So funny. I love you to the moon and back! xoooooxoxoxooxxo

  7. a. Her outfit is just so super cool. Those pockets are amazing. b. Her little FACE in the third picture is just so. darn. munchable. 3. thank you so much for introducing us to this great form of entertainment. I'd never heard of Studio G before Sew Geeky (I know, don't faint) and now we must see all the things.

  8. My kids simply don't breathe when they watch at Ponyo
    And I like Arriette too ^_^
    Thank you so much for the chance

  9. From Up on Poppy Hill is my fave!.
    Gotta make "Spirited Away" for twin girls expected by a family member this fall.
    Thank you for the generous giveaway. I love sewing for girls because I raised boys and well their clothes are not as cute:)


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