Bye 2015

By ari - December 31, 2015

It's been a year, with not a lot of blog activity from me, but that's okay because we're all still here and we're safe and sound. I don't think I did a round up of the year last year, which is kind of a bummer because it's sort of neat to look back on the stuff that i sewed! A lot of what I sewed this year didn't make it to the blog; the whole photographing, editing, writing take a lot of energy which isn't something I've had a lot of this year. Here's hoping I can work hard to make all my dreams for next year come through for me!

2015 was pretty sad, but it's given me motivation to be even stronger than I thought I could be. This place isn't where I share those sorts of things though, so I'm going to focus on the best part about 2015 as far as my blog was concerned, and that was where I really found my style.

Click the pictures to be redirected to the post!

I also sewed a bunch of cool things for Pattern Revolution, which is something I'm really happy to be a part of: (please note: I was given the patterns to review, but all opinions are definitely my own!)

next year lets go with even more colours and more of that good stuff that makes you happy!

What are your plans for the next year? Anything on your list you want to accomplish? I've taken up hooping again and I want to try a bunch more tricks with my hula hoop next year, and maybe go surfing again!

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  1. Just love your style. The colors combined with black always make me happy!

  2. Been following you for years now and you are so inspirational. I've lacked in posts this year too. Considering rebranding.... Again. Really wish (and I bet you do to) that I had someone in town that was a kindred spirit blogger to work on blogs together.


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