EGGsellent LEGGings

By ari - August 20, 2019

Since having nova i've been super inspired to be sewing for me, and in doing that i'm also really embracing my weirdness, the things that make me unique, and sewing things that I want to wear because they make me feel happy! Does it matter if it is flattering to my mama body? nope. do i get self conscious in my crop tops? yeh, i do, a lot, what if someone sees a flash of my lumpy bumpy mummy tummy with my messed up bellybutton and that umbilical hernia lump above it? but i also love wearing crop tops with high-waisted leggings and doing that is making me accept my body more and more. sure, i could maybe work out again and start eating right but until they stop making vegemite shapes that's simply not going to happen! Also i really love my long legs and my cute peach butt!

egg leggings & matching crop top DIY •

The egg fabric came from Lincraft and I think I must have bought about a metre and a half, maybe two of it? I'm not sure it was so much, because i can eke out a pair of leggings in a metre.

The leggings are self-drafted, just copied from my favourite pair of ready-to-wear high-waisted leggings and the're my go to leggings pattern now because they fit so great and the high waist is the perfect height.

 There are a pair of eggs right on my crotch and that kind of print placement always makes me laugh, it's probably my favourite part of this entire outfit!

The top is also self-drafted, although these days I have found a vintage boxy crop top pattern that I use religiously for both knits & wovens (it's Simplicity 9114)! I have also made socks out of the scraps of this fabric and it makes me laugh when i wear all three pieces together. If only i had enough to make a bucket hat to match :c

egg leggings & matching crop top DIY •

I accessorised my outfit with these toucan earrings I bought on eBay (although i'm fairly certain the design is a ripoff of another artist, so if they look familiar please let me know!) and a really fun clacky necklace i bought at the opshop for a couple of bucks. I love blues and greens, my favourite colours are Turquoise and Teal but when it comes to a good blue this one seems to be THE ONE (like, i've even had my hair this shade ahah)

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