Edison's first modelling gig

By ari - December 08, 2012

I'm serious.

When Edison was about two weeks old she modelled for a local photographer for some little headbands she had recently bought. I think Eddie did a good job!

She pooped and vomited like a good baby. It was amazing.


Anyway we got to choose some photos, and this is a few of the ones we chose. It's crazy to think my plumpkin was so little. And had so much hair!

Zara is such a wonderful photographer. She is so sweet and patient and I really really love her! She has done family photoshoots for a few of my friends and also some maternity shots for my sister. We did a family photoshoot a few weeks ago, which I will share with you guys in a few days. I LOVE all the photos and we ended up choosing about 15 of them because they were all so good.

If you live locally, please LIKE Zara-Jane Photography on facebook. I love seeing her work pop up on my newsfeed.

How was Edison ever that small?!

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