Moon Glory: Roly Poly Along

By ari - May 15, 2013

 I had this Roly Poly tunic half-planned, and then when Rachael of Imagine Gnats asked if I wanted to be a part of her pattern tour I *leaped* at the offer. Funny story, the tunic I had half-planned I didn't actually make.

See I had an idea to make it into a cat face with ears, and then make a hooded shirt with cat ears on that. BUT there are some cool developments in a pattern I really love by a pattern-maker I also really love and I am saving the cat ears thing for that. That's all I'm going to say on the matter!

Instead we have this! Little Moon Glory!

Using all recycled materials, I made a second Roly Poly reversible pinny for Edison. The first side of the dress is made from a purple business shirt I had bought from the op-shop when I was trying to figure out what I would make for the Men's Business Shirt theme for Project Run & Play. I used the lower front of the shirt, incorporating the placket. The back of the pinny is made from the sides of the shirt, so I still have sleeves, collar, upper front and an entire back of the original shirt to use up.

I made this up in the 6month size, but it wasn't until I put it on her that I realised my little girl isn't that small anymore. Plumpkin is 10 months old now! Time to trace out the next size of this pattern!

The reverse side of the dress is made from this pretty pale blue broadcloth that were scraps from a dress I made a few years ago for a pin-up-model-turned-tattoo-artist I am friends with {I really need to try and find the photos of that}. It does have the centre pleat, but that is hidden by the cowl of the sweater of course. I apologise, Edison has not been a happy camper today and I didn't really think things through with the photos!

I added a big cloud pocket to the front. It's a kangaroo pocket so she can put her hands in the sides. Completely useless and pointless to a baby, but pockets are cool and this looks cute! I just noticed that Crafty Kitty also did a cloud idea for her Roly Poly! Great minds and all that ^_^

Sorry I didn't iron it *properly*. I know that my girls are going to be all snarkin' at me for that!

You can see the side-seams of the original shirt in this photo. The hat I made before Edison was born, it's an Enid Gilchrist 'helmet' pattern. I added ears to it. I've made this before when I made Vincent a fake-mohawk hat. Haha.

I also made a second Bimaa Sweater in the smallest size for Edison from two t-shirts in my stash. The underneath of the cowl is a purpley-blue(?) colour you can kind of see peeking out there. It fits really well, a little long in the sleeve for this baby but she's so porky it fits her tummy!

Want to win this pattern for yourself? 
Let me know in the comments what your favourite bug/beetle/insect is! 
 Please make sure you leave your email address so we can contact you! 

My favourite bug is one that I love to hate, Christmas Beetles! Oh they're so beautiful but in December they come out in HOARDES and ATTACK ME. It's terrifying. I can't deal with it. But they're really pretty. The ones we have here are iridescent  but they're legs snag onto my hair and clothes and they're like drunk when they fly. They don't mean to be scary, but I just.. I just can't.

By the way, the weather is pretty cold & cloudy over here! Love that I can layer Eddie up in this tunic, and she STILL looks cute AND warm!

You can see other Roly Polys in the Flickr Pool, buy the pattern here, or Catch the rest of the tour and more chances to win a Roly Poly pattern!

5.13 Jill Made with Moxie / Stephanie The Crafty Kitty
5.14 Stephanie NeurosesGalore / Cherie you & mie
5.15 Ari Max California / Caila Caila Made
5.16 Veronica SewVery / Tara Girl like the sea
5.17 Nancy owen's olivia / Adrianna Crafterhours

5.20 Ajaire Call ajaire / Sarah EmmylouBeeDoo
5.21 Laura Craftstorming / Jessica a little gray
5.22 Frances Miss Matatabi / Nicke kiss kiss quilt
5.23 Amy formwork design / Kat Sew Chibi
5.24 Joanne Rose & Dahlia / Amanda Kitschy Coo

5.27 Celina Petit a Petit and family / Delia Delia Creates
5.28 Christy a.Amelia handmade / Carolyn Fake It While You Make It
5.29 Bonnie Fishsticks Designs / Maria La Inglesita
5.30 Jane Buzzmills / Kate Things for Charlie
5.31 Polly Jack & GeeGee / Molly Rose & Odin

Special thanks to Kat's husband Jon for helping inspire me with the name!

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  1. I love the butterfly, and I also love the rolypoly tunic :)

  2. Oh you finally blogged that sweater! I thought it was a bimaa, but I wasn't sure. It is so adorable.
    The pinafore is a great color combo. The whole outfit looks so snugly :)

  3. Ladybug :)

  4. Oh, I have never seen a Biimaa sweater pattern. But damn it, I want one for myself. Why does everyone make all the good patterns for little kids who are just going to grow out of them?!? Also, freaking awesome hat.

  5. Cute out fit and the most adorable little model! My favorite bug would be the firefly, nothing like laying in the grass at camp and watching the night light up!

  6. Now that is acute outfit! I always love your stuff. I have the same exact pattern in one yard wonders.

  7. Edison is seriously SO PRETTY, it kills me.

  8. Great ensemble! And I really like the idea of upcycling an old shirt and leaving the side seams. What a great detail!

  9. My fav bug is the honey bee! Cute upcycle idea.

  10. You have some very pressing needs there, girl.

    Lol, kidding! I love this ensemble! Such a sweet lil plumpkin! And that hat, I can't even.

  11. Such a great idea using a men's button down! I love dragonfly's. There are so many different colors and they are all just beautiful!

  12. Adorable photos and pattern!!

    (replace AT with @ and DOT with .)

  13. Oh man, Eddie is growing up so fast!!! She looks a lot like vin in the pictures! Does that get you excited!!! I always love your refashion fashion. It is so inventive and thoughtful. and awink and other stuff lol. mwah girl! This little chubblebit is adorable times infinity. And kat hates bugs. she is pretty keen on dragonflies. xxxxx

  14. Such a cute pattern - and model of course!
    I love glow worms - which of course aren't worms at all!!

  15. Lovely!!!
    I love butterflies :D Thanks for the chance

  16. luna moth is my fave. i love the cloud pocket! adorable roly poly and babe!

  17. The tunic looks great using the placket at the front. The shirt seams at the back look great too.

    My fav bug would be... um I dont know? A ladybeetle :)

  18. OH my goodness, stop it. This is adorable! You're right-- I totally made the spring/summer version and yours is the autumn/winter look. We couldn't have planned it before! Way to go, blog tour buddy!

  19. Too cute!! I love the cloud pocket... who care's if it's not practical for a 10 mth old... it's still super cool ;-) My lil miss is 2 now.... I wish I could get a mens shirt to still stretch that far for a refashion for her!

    My favourite bug would have to be the Cicada. As a kid, I would find the outer shell that they shed and often leave on a tree or whatever, and pop it onto my shirt like it was a brooch. The teeny prongy/spiky things in their legs help them to grip onto stuff. Oh and I used to stick them on the bridge of my nose to freak the crap out of my little brother too! haha :D

  20. Wow I love your use of 'old' stuff rather than new fabric - looking great. My fav bug? Woodlice, my children love to play with them, they are fascinating creatures. thanks for the chance to win this great pattern

  21. Spiders are cool.

    anabrightful at yahoo dot com

  22. Cute outfit and a lovely model as well! Gosh I've never thought of my favorite bug, hehe. It is the Butterfly, now I have one. I'm going to google your Christmas Beetles, never heard of them.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  23. She looks adorable! I love that you used that men's shirt... the color is great on her and it works well with the pattern. She's growing so fast!

  24. my favorite bug is a toss up. I love praying mantis' and ladybugs... :)

    oh. Wait.

    my favorite is the dragonfly.


  25. Does Beetlejuice count? :D Serious. I like Dragonflies. They are so pretty and, for me, they are looking a little bit dangerous, too.

  26. Does Beetlejuice count? :D Seriously. I like dragonflies. They're so pretty and, to me, they're looking dangerous, too.

  27. I like where you can see the seams of the original in the back of the purple, very cute! And I would go with a ladybug :)

  28. I love ladybugs. Here in the South of the US, they invade our homes in the spring. Soon, almost every inch of our ceiling will be lady bugs. They are cute and good for the garden, but gosh, they stink.

    zophiel.parker at

  29. I love the blue and purple together! And I love the reusing, too.

    My favorite bug is either a ladybug or a firefly. Or a dead spider (although our spider policy is 'you live if you stay outside. you come in, you die!')

    thegrimtuesday at gmail

  30. My favourite bug is the dragonfly - probably not a bug but an insect anyway! Love this pattern :-)

  31. My favorite would be a ladybug. Love your take on the Roly-poly tunic!

  32. So adorable! My favorite bug is lady bug.

  33. Oh my goodness! Look at that adorable moon bear!!!! So adorable!!!

  34. ADORABLE! My favorite bus is the lady bug!

    hello (at) sewbon (dot) com

  35. The preying mantis is so fascinating! I'm loving this rolypoly pattern tour, your daughter is adorable in hers!

  36. this may be the cutest version of the roly poly.
    my favorite bug is not the ticks I am pulling out after my gardening chores.
    my favorite bug is a snuggle bug ; )

  37. Praying mantis or Lady bug

  38. I think the praying mantis looks so thoughtful and intelligent... I like the cheery-ness of a lady bug and the curious way a caterpillar wiggles its antennae.

  39. So cute!

    Dragonflies and butterflies.

  40. I really don't like any bugs, but lightening bugs would probably be my favorite! atabanana29(at)gmail(dot)com


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