Bantha Hoodie: Sew Geeky Episode II Part 2

By ari - May 26, 2014

While we were planning our original second episode of Sew Geeky, Kat and I and our special guest Tara had a hard time narrowing down our ideas to just one each. We decided that we shouldn't have to narrow our down choices at all and so we decided on a mini Sew Geeky for Geek Pride Day (May 25) and showcase our Creatures of Star Wars ideas!

I wanted to make Vincent a Bantha hoodie! I have a bit of a love for the Tusken Raiders (the sand people) in Star Wars, and I really love the big huge hair elephant cow animals they sort of domesticated. However Vincent was like "Really? A bantha..." not in those words exactly but it was pretty much his thoughts that out of all of the cool creatures in Star Wars (Ie Wampa or a Rancor) that I wanted to make him a hairy hoodie. HOWEVER unfortunately for Vincent, this hoodie is more of something I wanted to make for Sew Geeky and for the hell of making it, not for an actual winter necessity (although now I see the hoodie in action I do feel that a fluffy bantha hoodie is actually very important for each child to have! It's so fluffy!).

What the heck is a Bantha? They're like the cow of the Star Wars universe really. They carry heavy stuff and make blue milk. They're super hairy and an elephant was actually cast to play the Bantha in A New Hope! In some shots you can see her trunk. How cute is that? 

Okay down to business! Using Kitschy Coo's Reversible Zippy Hoodie pattern the only thing I changed at all with the pattern was adding horns and the 'saddle' on the back! And that's more of an addition to the hoodie rather than an alteration of the pattern. Although she is a porky little piggy, Eddie is quite short for her age. She's almost 2, and the size 18months of the pattern fits her perfectly! The Reversible Zippy Hoodie pattern is my go to pattern for all of the kids hoodies now. It goes right up to size 8 too so it's going to get lots of use in my family! This hoodie isn't reversible, and neither is the other one I made (featured in the first Stylo magazine)(which I still need to write a behind the scene post for!). However even though this particular hoodie is not supposed to be reversible, it means the insides are so neat and perfect! Not a raw seam to be seen anywhere! She COULD wear it inside out if she wanted to.

I used brown soft fake fur for the exterior of the hoodie, and lined it with brown fabric from a pair of tim's thai fisherman pants that he never never ever wore. Waste not want not!

The back features the little 'saddle' blanket thing that was flung over the Bantha's back for the riders to sit on and to tie their cargo to.

I made the spiral horns from some leftover fabric that is like a linen-type thing. I top-stitched each piece to signify the 'knobs' on their horns before sewing them together and stuffing them. Two little slits cut into the exterior of the hood were made so I could slip the horns in and I stitched the slits closed. I also stitched the extra seam allowance part of the horn that was inside the hood forward, which made the horns lie back a bit. They were a little floppy otherwise and dangled around.

She loves her hoodie so much. She was so stoked when she realised she matched her baby Bantha toy (I bought it from NeoTokyo in town which is this cool asian pop culture store that sells manga and anime and heaps of cute soft toys. I'm pretty stoked that they stock some Star Wars stuff too). They also have a Rancor and a TaunTaun I plan on getting as well!

You've probably realised that Vincent didn't end up with the Bantha hoodie! Rather than fight him into a photoshoot wearing something he didn't want to wear I decided to make the hoodie for Eddie. Also it's smaller so less fabric was used! HA! Of course though, when Vincent saw it he wanted a Tauntaun hoodie, he's even drawn a little sketch for me and stuck it to my design wall in my sewing studio so I don't forget ;)

Baby Bantha's need all of the blue milk they can get so they can grow up big and strong!

Her jeans are mini versions of the ones I made for Vincent when I made him his Lego Indiana Jones outfit. The pocket linings come out a little bit which is irritating, but they're nice beige little pants that go well with lots of her cute shirts and hoodies. It's hilarious how much she doesn't grow. I made these in October and they still fit her.

She suddenly remembered halfway through our little shoot that she had horns on her head too and tried to grab them and pull them down so she could see them. She is turning into a good little model just like her beautiful big brother!

I wanted so bad to make her do the lips like her bantha toy, but this shoot had to be super quick because even though it's ona  gravel road, it is pretty popular out in our little country town (is it even called a town? We have a corner store, a hall and a school...) Everytime I heard a car I'd look around (it's just off the main road into town) and we'd scooch off if someone wanted to use it.

Awww bantha love

Blue Milk Moustache!

Don't forget to head over to Sew Chibi & Girl Like the Sea to see a 'Rain'cor poncho and a Wampa play mat! Thanks for celebrating what has probably been the geekiest month of my life with us! ahha.

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  1. She is just TOOO precious!! It looks so cozy! I love it!

  2. Those last two photos kill me; she is so adorable, and I'm not even a kid person!

  3. Oh man this is so cute! The horns are perfect. Enjoy that girl being short for as long as you can. Violet was the same way and just shot up recently at 3.5. It took forever! She fit into the same clothes for months and months and now I actually have to start making things longer for her than 2t length. Of course she's still 6m size around.....hahaha. Your little bantha girl did such a good job. So did you, mama!

  4. This is so fun. And it looks super cozy!

  5. This is fantastic! I can't wait to show my star wars fans!!! The kiddo is going to love it!

  6. This really is the most perfect thing ever!

  7. Argh it's just too much cute!! I love this and especially love the blue milk touch, hehe.

  8. Oh wow - cutest photo shoot ever! I love the horns btw, they look amazing!

  9. That hoodie is freaking adorable! LOVE it!

  10. I'm just looking for my favorites to include in the introduction to your interview next week - ah, this one is soooo cute!


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