Free Hugs Anytime

By ari - June 04, 2014

We went to Cairns last week, which was a spontaneous and amazing decision! My parents have been travelling around Australia, Grey Nomad style, and they've been gone two months so far which is a really long time! They were due to arrive in Cairns the weekend just gone so we flew up to meet them!

The night before, I was all packed and ready and decided that I would make a go of a shirt I had got to resize down to something and made a new tee for the Vincent! I got it from a friend of mine in a bundle of clothes for me to sort through and use what I wanted to. A lot of was quite large stuff, and this XXL (I think more X's were involved) shirt was definitely my favourite. The back of the original shirt was a little questionable so I made sure that it wasn't included because it had to be age appropriate!

Using the Anytime At All Tee pattern by Shwin Designs I resized this gigantic shirt easily for Vincent, AND was able to add a bit of signature radicoolness for the little dude. Just real quick, this isn't a post for a pattern tour or a anything like that! I got the pattern a little while ago to test it but I never was able to, fortunately I dug it out the other night to give it a try and I really enjoy this pattern!

The fit is comfortable, I believe I used the size 5 and while Vincent is barely just five now and is pretty skinny I really love the way it fits him.

There's a tonne of design features that I love about this pattern! You know I'm going to enjoy a pattern when there is room or option for further customising! It comes in sizes 3months to 8 years which is also a big selling point for me in patterns! Huge size range? Yeh man I'm all over it! 

The sleeve and shoulder options are amazing, and I took a back colour-blocked shoulder section and made it black & white striped to match the one odd sleeve I added to the shirt. 

There are other colour-blocking options, as well as a onesie feature for the baby sizes! You should check out Shauna's master post on the pattern to see all the options! It's incredibly unisex, with long and short sleeves and even a ruffle option for the girlier girls!

This pattern is definitely a scrap buster! I'm excited to use all the tiny scraps of cool stretch fabrics that I have stashed in a box for future shirts for Vincent & Edison! Definitely leaving this pattern in the little shoebox I have on the side of my cutting table for patterns I use a lot!

PS. We had a lovely holiday :)

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  1. What a fun shirt and who wouldn't want a hug from such a handsome yet cool boy ;)

  2. I really need to know what was on the back of the original shirt! Vinnie looks SO cool :-)

  3. what a lucky kid to have you has his mom... I noticed this shirt on fb, and really liked it... I should have known it was mommy made!

  4. so cute! I really love the striped sleeve and back section!


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