20 Animal DIYs

By ari - November 01, 2014

So while pretty much all my kids are obsessed with is Star Wars and Batman (I don't know if I should claim responsibility for this...) I thought it would be neat to make them some things that aren't licensed characters! I collected over XX fun DIYs and tutorials that might inspire you too!

If you know of any or have something, leave the link in the comments!

I'm so in love with all the little teddy bear ones. Bears aren't on my favourite animals list, but seeing all their sweet little faces and the places to pop ears and eye and noses are too irresistable!

Bear Face Hoodie tutorial, Bear Butt Shorts tutorial, Panda Raglan tutorial 
These ideas can be used to spruce up or hide stains on existing shirts, and there's some really cool techniques to be learned! I love that spider one so much but the idea of using pencil erasers as a stamp for the elephant is really neat!

Spider appliqué template, elephant stamping tutorial, dinosaur bleaching tutorial
It doesn't have to be all shirts and butts, nope you can accesorise with these cute hats and scarf! The scarf opens up so many possibilities and I'm way too in love with the shark attack hat!

Bat baby hat tutorial, Fox Scarf pattern, Shark Attack hat tutorial
Self-confessed crazy cat lady here, I've had that cat pocket pinned since I first got a Pinterest I swear.
Kitten bag tutorial, Cat pocket tutorial, 10 minute cat shirt tutorial
Some more cute bear shirts! There's a tonne of different stencils in that first link, but the other two shirts also have stencils!
Freezer Paper Stencils, Bear shirt tutorial, teddy bear shirt tutorial
Pretty sure I'm going to make myself one of each of the below! 

black bear sweatshirt tutorial, shark shirt (not a tutorial but a cute idea!), kawaii kitty shirt tutorial

I am a huge sucker for ear on things, maybe I should make that into a series? Ears on Things. haha.
adding bear ears to a hood tutorial, butterfly skirt tutorial, adding bat/cat ears to a hood tutorial

Make sure if you use any of these ideas or tutorials you credit the bloggers and also leave them a comment on their blogs! Getting comments really does mean so much to us!

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  1. My friend Irene has a lovely tutorial on her blog too


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