Sew Fab: Jersey Glam Dress

By ari - December 14, 2014

Evening! In line with my new resolve to start kicking ass again, I've sewn up a sparkly new dress from this season's Sew Fab Pattern Sale! It's previously an unreleased pattern, designed by the very classy Kelly of Sewing in No Mans Land. I've followed her blog since she was even a blog and it's been mind-blowing seeing how talented she is (and watching her blog evolve!). I didn't even have a daughter at the time but I was still a fan! 

So of course, being the classy girl I am (lol), I decided I really did want to sew up this dress. When I asked my girls which things i should sew, my Kat said immediately "the bling dress!" I had a hard time finding any sort of knit fabric locally that I even liked, and while I did have a beautiful amount of organic jersey from Imagine Gnats I decided on sparkly rainbow lurex!

It's a blinged out t-shirt dress, but it's fantastic for beginner seamstresses, as it sews up so simply and the instructions are incredibly good to follow! Don't be freaked out by the size chart as I was. I was too big for even the biggest size, but I was informed that Kelly is currently grading larger sizes and they will be available to everyone who buys the pattern! Phew, crisis averted. I really do have a hard time finding patterns to fit my shape, babies do make you have a strange shape, and my thick waist and bubble butt never do me any favours when trying to sew a straight size! HOWEVER. Here's the thing with this pattern. I size it up a size for myself, and then ended up having to take it all in at the sideseams anyway because for ME and MY body shape, having a baggy-ish sort of dress was not going to do me any favours.

As it is, the waist tie accentuates my absolute lack of any sort of waist but i don't really mind because I felt pretty and sparkly in this dress and isn't that point really? As long as I feel good, right!

Fun fact, I had a hard time deciding which was the inside and outside of the fabric. I chose wrong, so very wrong, but the side that I decided was the right side was far more fun! Also this fabric is totally see-through! YAY! I was going to line it while sewing but decided to just wear a black petticoat of sorts underneath instead. I dig it.

The Jersey Glam Dress sewed up very easily and fast, even with my printer throwing me curveballs and deciding to print the first few pages about 4 times and then running out of ink for the last few pages.

It's an adventure!

Get amongst it!

Oh you can't see I the photos, but I totally wore my docs with this dress instead of something pretty and classy. Because that's how I roll. No seriously, one day I'll dress up super pretty and have my hair done and wear heels and ya'll be like WHO IS THIS? I do sometimes dress up, I just don't blog about it ahah. I mean, I have a reputation to protect ;)

You can check out all the patterns and buy it over here at The Southern Institute. You can also enter to win over $200 worth of goodies!

See that sexy little number on the bottom right? Prepare yo'selves for a less sexy, more crime-fighting version tomorrow!

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  1. It really came out beautiful Max!!!

  2. So pretty! And in a cool way...not a frilly way. I love it - and you rock it!

  3. Good to see you sewing for yourself again! It's so pretty. Keep it up. :)


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