Rainy Day Dinosaur

By Max California - December 01, 2010

 It's pretty difficult to find raincoats for toddlers. Well maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. I thought to make one myself, but sewing plastics/vinyls scared the crap out of me.

Well not any more! The last couple of months I've sewn a few things that are difficult to sew, and using baking paper to help my presser foot glide over the plastic/pvc easier, I have conquered my fear! You COULD buy a teflon foot for your sewing machine, or you could just open your drawer and pull out the roll of baking paper that you never use. I took some photos a few weeks ago of when I showed my sister how to sew with PVC and so I'll upload them later for you!

I scored this child's boring yellow raincoat at the op-shop for a buck [wow, that sentence was super australian...hahah] and tucked it into the chest in the living room that has been my sewing storage while my studio was a mess [the studio is still a mess, but I moved my machines back down there now it's warmed up]. Today I woke up and it was raining. YEY! I love the rain, and then I remembered the raincoat and how I had some red pvc leftover from when I helped my friend Em recover a highchair [omg THAT was an epic adventure. I'll tell you the tale another day] and then I knew what I had to do. Believe it was the best feeling waking up with inspiration. Last night I was pretty much miserable. I wanted to create but I didn't feel like doing anything. It was so frustrating.

First I turned it inside out and put it on Vince. At first he seemed a little unsure of the plastic, but because I was laughing at how big it was on him he started to laugh too and started to be silly.

What a character.

I used a permanent marker and marked how long I wanted it to be, how much to shorten the sleeves by, how much to take in on the hood, and how much to take in on the sides through the armpits and down the sleeves. Then I cut it all up, along the lines. The great thing with plastic is that you don't have to hem it!

From the red pvc, actually it was more plastic-coated fabric, I cut a heap of triangle pairs for the spikes. Then I stitched them together. Then I added them as I sewed from the hood all the way down the centre back. Afterwards I sewed the arms through to the sideseams and then trimmed all the corners. AND THAT WAS IT. I was done in about 15 minutes of starting it.

Ps. Yeh yeh I know this place is a mess and is in a big need of an overhaul. While ya'll are celebrating your christmas festivities this year I might just sort this mess out. Hopefully it will look awesome in the new year!

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  1. That's SO cute! Great job, I love it!!

  2. Adorable. I've just decided my li'l one needs a raincoat.

  3. such an adorable idea. and i love your rockstar baby's picture posing xD

  4. I love it! Great idea about using the paper. I sew those plastic sheet protectors and they are really difficult because the machine slides and the stitches do not come out even. I should try some paper!

  5. Coats and things for toddlers (affordable ones, that is) are impossible to find. This is why I make my son hats and mittens.

    Anyways, how cute! If you have any extra red, some contrast trimming around the wrist and bottom of the coat would look awesome.

  6. So cool! I love the dinosaur look. Fun clothes like this make it so much easier to get a kid dressed!

    I also like the t-shirts you made smaller.

  7. Oh my goodness! So cute! Great job wife! <3

  8. Oh this is definitely really really cool.

    I've been reading about your creations on WR for the longest time, maybe a year? Well I am finally commenting on your blog! :)

    Just Better Together

  9. That is literally amazing! What a cute coat, bet it is the envy of the playground!


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