Comic Book Art

By ari - May 30, 2011

I've got a tutorial mid-written which I'll be putting up tomorrow, but for now I thought I'd show you what I made the other night!

[click to make bigger]
I picked up the frames for $1 each at the opshop, then took the glass out and spraypainted them all black. I had to polish and clean the glass up with vinegar, managing to slice my fingers in the process. Here's a hint: the edges of glass frames are SHARP.

Using comic book scans, I choose some neat little panels I liked, using the backboards of the picture frames to figure out the sizes. I traced around the backboards then cut out the panels and glued them straight to the board. Then it's just a simple matter of putting the frames all back together and voila! I plan on making more like this and covering an entire wall in our house with them!

I gotta fix the Nightwing one at the very back right, it has one little spoke thing to keep it in the frame and it is failing miserably.

They go really well this canvas my friend Jemma made for me Little Monster

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  1. Those are amazing! I can't wait to make some for my new place back home. EEEeee!

  2. That is so cool! They look amazing.


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