Baby Legs from socks!

By ari - January 04, 2013

When I saw this idea a little while ago on my Pinterest, I knew there was a reason I was saving all my knee-high socks that I never wear any more!

These moustache socks were a pair that Tim bought me when I started Roller Derby. I don't do it anymore, but those socks were almost like new! They were a bit too tight on my legs, which is weird since my legs are pretty skinny, so I turned them into baby legs!

They'll be part of the big baby shower gift I give my sister on the 19th.

I made this pair from a pair of leggings I have owned since I was like 18. I never wear them anymore, not for the last 8 years I swear! They've hung around and so I turned them into a pair of legs for Edison.

 Here is a neat and quick tutorial on how to do it yourself!

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  1. Love those mustaches!!! Now that baby girl is crawling up a storm, I feel like I need to make some pairs to wear over her leggings for extra padding - poor little bruised knees ;o(

  2. I love Baby Legs! Seriously so cute!!! It was the first thing I think I sewed... maybe?

  3. cute cute. This is on my list too! I picked up some purple and red/orange neon socks at Target. I need to get on it!

    You are a busy girl throwing a baby shower and doing Prap! Amazing!!! Good luck btw!


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