Pierrot the Clown

By ari - January 31, 2013

Okay not saying my daughter is a clown, or looks like one, but whenever I see the name the Pierrot Tunic I always end up singing this song by Placebo:

 So I made this before Edison was born, resizing it from a women's shirt I bought at the op shop. I lined it, and it use every single scrap of fabric of that shirt! The collar is so beautiful.

This is in the 0-3months I believe, and was a dress on her when she was tiny. Eddie is almost 7 months now, and wore it out to dinner tonight as a little tunic with leggings.

I love pieces of clothing that are so versatile like that! It's going to be a sad day when I can't get her big head through the neckhole. It will be a while I think, because there's elastic in that baby!

The Pierrot Tunic is a pattern from Made By Rae and comes in sizes newborn to 5T! Definitely one of those patterns you get your money's worth!

This was a great and easy pattern to follow. The collar isn't intimidating at all because Rae has such a fantastic way of explaining things step by step. Oh the things I have learned from her patterns!

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  1. I love Made By Rae! I'm eyeing off a few of her patterns to buy for my little dude.

  2. P.S. Total preggo brain, I just realised that I didn't say anything about how awesome this looks on Eddie! I love the fabric & colour, and that collar turns out really cute.

  3. What a cutie! Seriously, your kids playing together so nicely really makes me want another one hard core.

  4. this little top is so cute on her ;o)

  5. She is so cute! I love baby clothes that last more then 3 months. I have several dresses my girl grew out of and now she wears them as shirts.

  6. man your kids are cute. LOVE the pierrot on your little gal - i love the comfy cute ridiculousness of that pattern so much.


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