Stylo Magazine!

By ari - January 21, 2014

All Photos are credited to Kristina Childs Photography and Max California for Stylo Magazine!

Oh my gosh you guys I still can't handle the level of epic that is going on right now. A few months ago I worked my butt off, and so did a bunch of other incredible bloggers, and today we get to show you what we did!

Stylo is the brainchild of Celina Bailey of  Petit A Petit and Family and Jessica Abbott of the Sewing Rabbit. It's a kids fashion magazine, free online, but it focuses on the handmade. Every single thing in the magazine you can make yourself! The patterns used are credited at the bottom of each set. It's 134 pages of AWESOME.

I'm serious. It's mind-blowing! I cannot believe I was a part of its very first issue, because the majority of ladies who contributed also were my inspiration to start sewing for Vincent four years ago!

I'm going to do a more in depth post later of everything I made, and a million more photos, but for now, here's a few of my favourites! The photos were all taken by my incredibly talented friend Tina of Kristina Childs Photography and I can't wait to share them all with you! We are very fortunate to have snagged the cover of the magazine, and our set starts on page 123. You're seriously going to LOVE STYLO!!

For Eddie I used:
Aztec Hooded Vest - See Kate Sew
Apple Loungewear - Shwin Designs (tunic only)
Bubble Bloomers - Kikoi Patterns (Now Amelie Clothing)
Baby Tights - free pattern by Made by Rae!

For Vinnie:
Reversible Zippy Hoodie - Kitschy Coo
Bimaa Sweater - LouBeeClothing
Rascal Pants - Felicity Patterns

 In the next few days I'll break their outfits down for you. And more pictures!

They got attacked by Robert lol!

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  1. YOU TOTALLY DESERVED THE COVER! Amazing photos by Tina, fantastic sewing by you, i'm blown away by stylo. What a neat thing to be a part of.

  2. Completely perfect! You and Tina did an incredible job.

  3. I LOVE this and can't wait for all the details. Also, STYLO is incredible. It was full of so much beauty and inspiration ... It made me gyrate. :)

  4. Of course you HAD to be part of this Max! I mean, you have the most stylish kids ever!!! Congratulations! I was soooo happy for you!!! =D

  5. I LOVE the outfits you contributed... they are amazing. The Cries Wolf sweater is a must have... it's going to the top of the project list to make for my 3yo. I'm definitely going to be checking out this magazine regularly. Great style and amazing photography!

  6. Hiya Max-in-a-million! I've not visited for what seems like ages, but now I have a little dude to dress I couldn't resist popping back to look at all the lovely outfits you made for your lad. I'm itching to get to the sewing machine now! Love the hooded jacket. LOVE! I really want to sort out getting some of my own fabric made up with Spoonflower too. Place your bets as to if I'll manage to make the time :S


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