Oswald Bow Tie: One Thimble Issue 12 Tour

By ari - August 16, 2016

hey guys!! I'm a little excited about this post because it's got some low key foreshadowing of this MASSIVE project I am challenging myself with. I haven't done any blogging about it because I want to just be able to post all about it after I've finished sewing all the things but it's pretty exciting to be doing something that i want to do and not for anything or anyone? Other than Vinnie of course because I will give you that it's all for him. He's my muse, my little model, my bestie.

ANYWAY oh my goodness enough rambling, right? TODAY I'm showing off a little something I sewed up for the One Thimble blog tour. They're on issue 12 now which is pretty rad and if you haven't got yourself an issue you really should be checking it out! Last issue I wrote an article about sewing for boys and did a tutorial for Vin's Zayn Jacket (you can still get back issues!).

I made Vin dawg the 'Oswald, Pond & Williams Bow Ties' by paraplu patterns - specifically the oswald! I've never sewn or tied a bow tie before, but the pattern was pretty straightforward and easy to follow. Of course I had to go complicate things and use thick white drill fabric since I wanted to ~design my own~ in a way. Not really. Vin's outfit is inspired by some pieces from this music video, one of my long time favourite K-pop idols G-Dragon and his song Crayon! (that's a huge hint to my project 8) ) GD wears a really rad Keith Haring bowtie (really, it's so rad), so it was immediately the thing I wanted to make! Using my fabric markers that I haven't touched since I made Vin a bat shirt for Project Run & Play (woah) I drew some funky dancing keith haring-inspired dudes. I was a little worried at first about the placement of the pattern on my fabric I drew on, because I wasn't sure what parts of the bow-tie would be the front and how it would be tied and all that (bow tie n00b here) but I cut one long piece and one short piece of the patterned fabric and it worked out a-ok!

Of course I couldn't get the hardware for bow ties anywhere where i live 8) story of my life, right? but you CAN get them online and on ebay and etsy and places like that. I made do with some weird hook thing and some bra strap sliders ;) You know what, it still totally works!

If you don't already have one, i highly recommend getting a dritz tube turner because turning skinny pieces of fabric the right way out was the WORST THING ABOUT SEWING EVER for me (worse than unpicking, okay) but I've had these rad tube turners (you get 3 different sizes) for a few years and they make it take like 0.3 seconds.

Vin adores his bow tie, and I love it too! There's three different bow tie styles that come with his pattern, the oswald (diamond point), pond (rounded club) or the williams (bug butterfly). The only part that was missing from the instructions was how to tie it! Fortunately there's tonnes of tutorials online, diagrams, videos etc (i'm a super visual learner) so I'm sure after a few practices I'd do a better job at tying this little fella. Vincent normally doesn't like things around his neck, but he really liked the bow tie (he also really likes G Dragon so i think that was pretty influential in him wanting to rock this).

This pattern comes with the latest issue of One Thimble!

Do you love his jumper? My mum (his oma!) knitted it for him especially for this *look*. She made it all up herself, no pattern, and although it took her like twenty goes to get the neckline big enough for his clever brain I absolutely LOVE it. So does he! He practically lives in his jumper. See the pattern on the front? Big V for Vin :B Thanks mum!

You can check out all the other stops on the One Thimble Tour here!
(there's some seriously cool stuff!)









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