90s Two Piece

By Max - November 16, 2016

hey friends! i've been sewing for vin aka when did he get so TALL looking? He's finishing up grade two this year yikes (is this really the same kid?) my google account got deactived/frozen/SOMETHING for like two months there and it was the most frustrating thing but MASSIVE SHOUT OUTS to Luis from google who called me literally every morning for a week to help me sort out the mess and get me back online. There was no pics on my blog, i couldn't access my emails, i couldn't even access all my patterns which are stored on google drive (since i've gone through like five laptops in the last year) - it was hectic. Man I got so frustated on the phone and then i cried and then i apologised to him and i swear by the end of it i wanted to marry that beautiful man  ಥ‿ಥ  i was just so beyond grateful!

SO ANYWAY, about this rad outfit i sewed for Vin!

my pinterest board for boy style is such a big mix of stuff that's not necessarily or traditionally for boys. there's a mish mash of actual boy fashion, mens fashion, fun little details and probably stuff that is meant for females that will suit my boy just as well! I was enamoured by these button-up shirt and short sets, i have no idea what to even call them, two-pieces? It's been in my head for a really long time, and i've been fiddling around with drafting my own button-up shirt for vin from scratch so i thought i may as well do the two birds one stone thing and i'm stoked.

This is like the third shirt i've made from my pattern, it definitely still needs adjusting (specifically in the collar area where the shirt flips out a little under the actual collar? wow look at me and my technical terms) but i'm generally pretty stoked with it. i drafted a size four based on his measurements and then lengthened it to about a size six so it is legit a perfect fit.

yo can you even see the patch pocket there on the front??? take a closer look! it's there!

The fabric is upcycled from a doona cover! There's LOADS left and Eddie is super keen for some sort of dress to be made for her (although i'm really leaning toward tropical colours and plant prints for summer even though i have so much of this 90s geometric stuff that's also in my face and on my mind)

I used the small fry skinnies (yay!!) for the shorts. they're definitely my go-to for nice shorts that aren't just quick-sew-slip-on shorts you know? I feel the more i sew these the less intricate they seem (not that they are overly complicated i'm just super impatient with sewing and want things finished like five days ago).

He chose the button ^_^ I shortened the pattern a lot to make them quite short on this man's little leggies. Instead of belt loops i also put elastic in the waistband instead so they sit nice and snug without having to use a belt. The pattern-matching on this was SO FUN argh i'm such a nerd for it. I need like a hashtag or something for all the projects where i've had too much fun matching up stripes or plaids or w/e. I mean check out those pockets (even the coin pocket is a perfect stripe match!). I sewed them up with a half fly because the fabric is just a thin cotton and I didn't really think they'd be like the sturdy sort of shorts that would need a proper fly (does that make any sense at all or is that just me?) There's also pockets on the butt but i failed to get a nice clear photo of them! You can sort of see them in the photo below?

her outfit is coming soon!

in case you were wondering, vincent has chosen to grow his hair! none of us (even him) know how long he wants to grow it, but after going three years consecutively of getting anxious if his hair wasn't slicked to the side perfectly it's refreshing for a change!

his hat is from pumpkin patch and his shoes are just from big w that i plan on painting and sewing patches too so keep an eye out for THOSE!

so i've been like out of the blogosphere loop for a few months now and i was wondering what blogs you guys read? what is keeping you inspired? any recommendations for me!!

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