Black & Gold Clara Top and Shorts

By ari - March 25, 2016

I one thousand percent love sewing things up in black. It's my favourite colour, and Vin likes it too but Eddie? Hell naw. I just love putting a different spin on the pretty patterns I see sewn up, and not only that it goes with my aesthetic much more (black clothes, bright hair & shoes!). It's so hilarious when we go do things during the day and I'm just a little alternative looking (a little, I swear) and then there is my pretty pink princess with her mass amounts of hair and pretty shoes and all those pink ruffles.

Sometimes I get away with it though, even though she doesn't really wear this outfit that much I don't mind because I LOVE it and the times she has worn it have been to fancy events where she looked classy AF. I sewed up the Clara Top & Shorts by Violette Fields Threads. I did this like six months ago so Eddie is littler in the pics! It still fits her though, and I think it will for some time as a tunic top.

I got the opportunity to sew up the Clara dress by Violette Fields Threads (easily the pattern company I've had the longest crush on and now I feel like a grown up actually buying their patterns!) for Pattern Revolution. A bunch of us sewed them up to help with the hype of the surprise pattern drop, so I didn't actually get to review it properly just yet!

There's that black sheet again, there's no more left of it unfortunately but boy it had a good run aha. I love these simple little bodices, but then adding extra features like the baby-doll *skirt* party and the ruffles just transform it. I used some gold stretch fabric for the ruffles, and instead of doubling them so there was no right/wrong side, I just used single layers and hemmed them. It would have been too crazy to try and sew with all the bulk but I like the way they turned out regardless!

The fancy-looking hem on the top is the finishing on the sheet. I loved incorporating that into the tunic! How great is the bright sunlight in these pics, I have no idea what I was thinking going out in the middle of the day for a mini shoot?

The pattern comes with a simple little knit shorts pattern, which I like to call hot pants ;) The shorts have been my saving grace for Edison's too-short dresses she still insists on wearing. Throw the gold hotpants on underneath and she's good to go and be as unladylike as she wants

The headwrap was super easy, just a big long rectangle of gold fabric sewn into a tube and turned the other way out. She hates it of course, she just doesn't do hair accessories. She prefers letting the mop go wild, which is fine with me but she does let me dress her hair up for shoots!

I really love the shape of this tunic, it's so sweet on her. Maybe I should make up another one in a pink or rainbows or something I can convince her into wearing. It's such a sweet little outfit!

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