Beetlejuice Inspired Peppermint Swirl Dress

By ari - December 18, 2017

Check out this little creep. Ugh I love her so much, she's so brilliant! With her Helena Bonham-Carter hair and her beetlejuice-ish dress she is totally channeling Tim Burton here!

I received this pattern last year to review for Pattern Revolution, but totally forgot to post about it here! It's the Peppermint Swirl Dress by Candy Castle Patterns. It's a pretty simple pattern, really, when you get to the bare bones of it! It took me forever to sew all those swirls but it was worth it. I've seen this done up in really pretty fabrics, but it's either monochromatic black & white or FULL OF COLOUR with me so i went with a beetlejuice inspired version!

Fortunately (for me) eddie has got out of her hella princess stage (everything had to be pink or pretty dresses) but i sewed this up when she was dead smack in the middle of it. I was pretty sure she wasn't going to be on board with it or even let me style her up for the shoot but to my surprise she was ALL ABOUT IT. She's really into monster high and i think that helped a little.

I think it's also the twirl factor in this dress, its amazing! The pattern is crazy easy, really! I was really impressed with the instructions, everything is so clear and straightforward with plenty of patterns so if you’re a brand new seamstress wanting to sew something a little fancy you should definitely think about this dress! There are fourteen skirt panels in this really cool swirl shape and sewing them together was a little tedious (so was cutting them out) but it really wasn’t so bad. You can see it taking shape almost immediately and once you have the skirt sewn up it’s just heart eyes from there. Even the bodice had me swooning; the sweet little petal neckline and the cute little sleeve flounce. Eddie poured over it as it was laid out ready for the shoot and commented on how much she loved literally every detail.

She's outgrown it now and it's been washed and sent off to her little cousin Billie (there's only one girl in the family for the hand me downs to head to, as eddie's two other girl cousins - although younger - are the same size & even bigger than her!). Next year (i keep going to say THIS YEAR), i've put it in my head to be making two of everything that I sew for eddie. Since she's my only daughter i sort of feel i need to make more than one of something to justify the printing/taping/cutting of the patterns?

I just used pink snaps on the back, they're too easy!

This is possibly my last post for the year about something I have made! I feel bad that I haven't blogged ANYTHING about Nova yet, but that's for next year!

it was a perfect misty moisty morning for the photos! She nailed it. eddie's been really into ~~fashion lately, her little poses are so cute so I can't wait to sew more things next year now that I'm not pregnant and the baby is a little bigger! Remind me to write out my birth story here next year, too, because I had a successful VBA2C (vaginal birth after two caesareans) which was an amazing experience and showed me how powerful i actually can be!

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