2018 Make Nine!

By ari - January 09, 2018

we're only nine days into january but i've already sewn up a bunch of pieces and blogged about NONE of them. It's just been so crazy hot and i'm still trying to juggle this whole three kids thing but i'm getting the swing of things and today we managed to do a shoot with vin for a project i'm working on (my due date for myself is APRIL and i think i can do it!) so i'm confident that everything else will fall into place too!

I'm doing a bunch of little sewing challenges this year, my sewjo is back, Vin & Ed will both be in school this year (I KNOW WHAT) and i've moved my sewing machines out into the dining room so it's to sew here and there during the day and at night when the kids go to bed. It's actually really nice because i can still have conversations with people when i sew and i feel like i'm not locked away to never speak to people (don't get me wrong, i LOVE having solitude me time, but during the day that just does not happen).

So being all ambitious and ready (since november last year ahah) I've found a handful of challenges i'm into! The first being the #2018makenine

There's so much stuff I want to make! I narrowed down my bucket list to just nine, though, and most likely I'll be making loads of other things. As you can see there is nothing there for Vin, but that's because I've had this MASSIVE project planned for him that i mentioned above (there's foreshadowing everywhere, just keep an eye out on the get your cray on tag). Okay, let's break down my make nine!

 • the pocket romper for Nova. I don't have this pattern yet but it's one I'd really like. I love all the options and he has one RTW that's similar that we adore him in (he's rapidly outgrowing it because he is a Fat Boy). Probably will do a hack and add a hood bc life is good with hoods! I feel really sorry for nova, he has barely any clothes, which is exciting because i can sew for him but not yet because it's so hot and he can just roll around in his gigantic nappies because he's a big fat baby.

• I bought the soma swimsuit pattern because I NEEDED it, like idk whenever it was released. I've never made it though, and now I'm second guessing it because I have a lot more chest than this looks like it can support? I've read a tonne of reviews on blogs for it though, and I think I can make it work? We'll see. I'm going to use some of my fabric from cali fabrics for it although I like the idea of a scubaknit version? I just don't want my boobs looking sadly at the ground.

• The santorini sunsuit is for Eddie. It's really hot here and it's just going to get hotter so I've got a bunch of summer sun ideas for her. I'm wanting to start making two of everything that I sew for her (one for her cousin) now because she's my only girl and I have to make the printing & taping & cutting of the patterns worth it (EDITED TO ADD: so i wound up making four of these...)

• So I was looking for a good pair of high waisted shorts/jeans, and i think i may have found that since making this post in the Lander Pants. I'm really into the idea of getting my hot little hands on THIS pattern!

• Just a super 80s pastel parka. I'm thinking of using the kelly anorak? Another pattern I don't have yet but I'm scoping out!

• Not mum jeans, but jeans with a heart shaped cut out, thanks! Amping up the cute but practical clothing in 2018! As much as I love dresses, I just don't wear them (or skirts) unless I'm going out kid free somewhere. So I'm going to focus on jeans and shorts because that's how I do (and cute cropped tees or breastfeeding friendly stuff! But cute!)

• Oh man I saw this pink jumpsuit on katherine sabbath's feed on one of her friends and I can't get it out of my head. She had the legs rolled up and it just looked SO CUTE. I really need a jumpsuit/romper/playsuit this summer in a cute print! Thinking about the sallie jumpsuit by closet case patterns or the holly jumpsuit by by hand london - what would you recommend? Is there another you would suggest? I'm leaning toward the holly!

• Yehhhh that's a whole lot of bumbags. Or fannypacks, whatever you call them from wherever you are from. I really want to make myself one or ten ...

 • HEY that's a crocheted thing! I want a rainbow Cardigan but I think I'd be stressed out trying to knit and with crochet I can kind of bumble along a bit with so I found the marley cardi and I think I can do it. Usually I fob off the knitting/crochet things to my mum but I think I should try myself this time!

as you can see there's not a lot of sewing for the kids and a WHOLE LOT FOR ME. yeh! of course i still have a zillion plans for the kids but also i really am into the idea of sewing for myself c: i think i have earned it!

the second challenge i'm doing is #sewmystyle, which i signed up for last year and sewed exactly zero (0) of the patterns on offer - not because i didn't love them, but because i was pregnant and just not into the idea of sewing for my pregnant self. even if it was last time! this year i'm all about it, though, and you'll see my take on january's pattern the Sunny Dress at the end of this month (hint: there's rainbows & pizza involved)! I probably won't be sewing up all the patterns on offer, but there's a good handful that i really do want to sew! (the lander pants look like MY PERFECT PAIR OF PANTS/SHORTS and i already have the kalle which i've sewn and i have to still blog about THAT)

THIRDLY there's a facebook group that has grown insanely huge since i joined, but it's a really great sewing challenge for people of all abilities! the 52 week sewing challenge gives you a weekly prompt to sew something, leaving you with 52 items for 2018 (heck yeh!). the prompts are really fun and broad enough that you can use your creativity. the best part is that there's also a chance you can win something if you enter what you've sewn into the weekly thread. for me, it's 100% about the challenge!

FOURTHLY (ahahhaah this is getting ridiculous now isn't it - but these challenges can overlap!), yesterday i joined the 2018 sew 100 items challenge (also a fb group!). I mean if i stick to the 52 challenge then i already have over half of this completed, and already this year i've sewn up four things that had nothing to do with the 52 week challenge prompts SO i think this will also be a fun challenge!

are you doing any challenges? if you join any that i've linked above, give me a hello (tag @adam west) on facebook in the group! if not, what are your plans for this year?

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