31 Skirts:: Day1 - EMILY - tartan kilted pinafore

By Max California - December 01, 2009

Hey-ho! 31 skirts is officially off with a bang!

as always, click the pics to make them bigger

Introducing the first, and Mr. Husband's personal favourite, the schoolgirl skirt!

I reconstructed this skirt from a kilt I bought for $2 from an opshop! I'd started unpicking the pleats and had removed the waistband, planning on using the not-too-woolly fabric for a pair of tartan skinnies.

Well I spied it in my stash as I was planning my 31 Skirts adventure and decided that because my lovely Mr. Husband has a thing for school uniforms ((he's not a pedaphile btw!)) I'd make it into something he'd love!

So I cut it short, hemmed it, added some ruffley lace ((Seriously, buying cards of lace of eBay is probably the greatest idea I've ever had)) and a waistband. I also added two suspender straps, because I love them! It does up with press-studs and I decorated it with a kilt pin.

And because I had leftovers, and my personal motto is "from scraps" ((I'll write up the reason why another day)), I made Vinnie a pair of pants that will prolly fit him until he's 15, aha.

And then i decided I needed a little tie of some sort, and made this cravat. I added 2 kinds of black lace to it and hotglued the base of a clip-on earring to the back. I did want to make Vinnie a matchign bowtie, but he started chucking a tanty ((he hasn't been sleeping well AT ALL)) and I decided to stop crafting and play photos instead. He loves playing photos. haha. I might make one for him later.

ewww, looks like I have gross dreds.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's skirt:: Holly

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  1. I'm so excited for your 31 skirts! I love this one - and coincedently, I think my boyfriend would like one like this as much as your husband does, haha. Looks great, and now I can't wait for tomorrow.

  2. Found your blog through Wardrobe Refashion--love your 31 skirts idea! So glad to see you are posting them all and, yes, I would love to see tutorials one day. I rarely make things for myself, but I'm sure my husband would appreciate me making a skirt or two in your style, as I'm generally a below-the-knee kind of gal. ;-)


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