Day 6:: "Feejee" plaid shirt reconstruction

By Max California - December 06, 2009

This one is a reconstruction too! Today we left my parent's house and popped in to see Tim's parents. Pumpkin didn't sleep much at all, so was half hilarious, half whinging all day. He is SO close to crawling, you just hold your breath in anticipation that it's about to happen!

Anyway, Feejee is a skirt I reconstructed from a button up shirt of Tim's. I held alot of memories for him, he wore it to Fiji when he finished highschool. Instead of going to schoolies, the local church organised a trip to Fiji for the school leavers! So Tim went and had alot of fun, and he kept this shirt forever. he hasn't worn it in ages, but wouldn't let me throw it out. I asked if I could cut it up and he said I could. I just couldn't think of anything worth it!

Well I use the lower front of it as the base of the skirt, the lower back as the back. The middle back and the top of the shirt became the ruffles and the back yoke ((because most shirts have one yoke and the same fabric again as lining)) became the waistband with elastic threaded through!

That little white thing is a felt heart half hidden under a ruffle.

VERY comfortable! I know I keep saying how comfortable these skirts are, but I'm used to wearing tiny micro minis every day ((before Vin)) and have only just realised the comfort of skirts a little longer. hahah.

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  1. Loving all the new skirts! I think this one is my favourite though - it looks super comfy, and it has a cool story behind it!

  2. Love this one! Super cute, and I am always amazed and inspired by what you come up with. Awesome!

  3. I love this skirt! I also adore how you styled it & the location. Very country!

  4. I would love it if you wrote a tut on how to make this one! I think you would be my new best friend. :)


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