Vlog: What I'm working on today!

By Max California - June 27, 2011

So Thera has been video-blogging and mkaing tutes and things for a while. She made me a really sweet video proclaiming her undying love for me so I made her one back! It was so scary! Now I have the bug and I'm enjoying video-blogging.

Anyway, I thought I'd do a small video with bonus shenanigans from my son for you guys, just talking about my current works-in-progress which I am going to try and complete today!

Oh you get to hear one of the very few words little Monster can say "Preeze?"

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  1. i love the vader fabric. so cool. it will make a fab skirt! exciting to see the results!

    oh, and i LOVE your Aussie accent <3

  2. I LOVE YOU. Hehe. I love that we're video blogging now too! So much fun.

    I'm in love with that Vader fabric, and the star wars sheet. I'm always on the look out for vintage sheets, but I haven't found any yet. Boo!

  3. i could eat your face. like all of it... nom nom nom...nom. nom nom...


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