Death Star Singlet

By ari - September 16, 2011

Not sure if I blogged about this shirt or not? I'm currently going through all the photos on my old computer and finding loads of things I don't think I had ever put up here!

If I have well, uh, let's reminisce together shall we?

I stenciled this singlet on May 5, I remember this because we were celebrating the afterparty of May the Fourth [be with you] as Revenge of the Fifth

 It was a plain white singlet I had made last year, but I had nothing to wear that night. We were actually going to go see Thor and I thought this would be appropriate? hahah. Anyway!

It was a mad dash to make myself another Star Wars shirt, I didn't have ANYTHING to stencil with so I used one of those plastic shipping bags I had gotten a parcel in. It made the stencil easy to make and cut out but I had to tape it down everywhere so it was not appropriate for stencilling something even as simple as the Death Star!

Overall I love the way it turned out, even if one of my friends teased me and asked why I had a half-eaten orange stenciled on my shirt.

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  1. I love it and you rock it! No way does the death star doesn't look like a half-eaten orange!

  2. LOL, it doesn't like like a half-eaten orange, although that is pretty funny. I think the stencil looks great.

  3. i love you. you look so damn rad girl. and the rancid pillow? ahhhh memories!


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