Painting with Spray Bottles

By ari - September 08, 2011

I've been on a bit of a link adventure the last few days. You know where you are checking out one blog and it links to another and that links to another and you end up having about 45 tabs open and a whole new list of things you want to make? Yeh, I call that a Link Adventure. I love it, it helps with motivation. Ya know, if I can drag myself away from the laptop and actually start making things!

Anyway, on this link adventure this morning, I saw this really cute and simple idea over at the Land of Nod blog. Painting with squirt guns.

The last few days Little Monster has been running around with his squirt gun, but of course when I actually decide we can use it for something constructive I can't find it. So I got the next best thing, spray bottles!

As you can see by his dimples, he was having a BLAST

Make sure if you're using spray bottles that used to have chemicals in them that you wash them out thoroughly!

It seriously was so simple. Just use whatever you have around the house. I used the Chronicle roll of paper I use to make patterns and ripped off a long section. I pegged it to the fly screen on the back door and covered the cement with old towels. I used two old spray bottles and filled them with the worst paint I have ever bought.

I bought the paint last year for one of the Little Monster's parties and although I usually can get good quality paints for cheap, this was just awful. It was so watery and not suitable for what I wanted it for. Luckily I kept a hold of it and it was PERFECT for putting in spray bottles!

If your paint is a bit thick, water it down and it should come out easily. I did have a few problems trying to make sure he painted only the paper, I did catch him squirting it out across the driveway and our dog has blue patches now. The Little Monster was mainly good though!

I let it dry for the day on the grass then cut it to size and framed it in a cheap frame I spray painted black. This is going to look great on feature wall we are planning! [More on that laters, I am SO excited]

After he woke up from his nap I casually showed him his art up on the wall, just pointing out to him the new picture. He stared at it blankly for a moment before he recognised it then he stated telling me how he painted it outside. The Little Monster is quite proud if it!

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  1. I love Link Adventures. My bookmarks is just full of links to stuff like that. The problem is that if I don't bookmark it, I can never find my way back to whatever I was reading! I got a Read it Later app for Firefox, but it's getting full too!

    We have an activity like that in this great preschooler book we have. It also suggests using leaves rocks and sticks to make silhouettes, although I suppose construction paper cut-outs would work well, too. It's getting to be fall here, so we won't have much more good weather to try, but I would like to give this a go with my guy sometime.


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