Tutorial: Heart cut-out cards

By ari - February 15, 2012

The other day, the Little Monster helped me make some cards for some gifts we were giving to some family. We made a heap of them, and now I have lots to use for the future. Yey!

As you can see, you can let your kids help you and make some awesome original artwork ones, or you can find pretty papers or pictures and make some pretty ones too. They're a cinch!

Get a long rectangle of card

 Fold it in thirds. I eyeballed and luckily it worked alright. You can measure it for accuracy if you would like!

Bend the front section into the first fold line, don't fold it, we don't want a crease!

Cut out a half-heart shape. I'm basically a pro at this {bragging} but if you want to draw it out and cut it out that's fine you know!

Un-bend the front section and you should have a cute little heart shape

Get your little Vincent Van Gogh {oh I crack myself up} to draw some art work on a piece of paper that is about half a centimeter smaller than your section.

Glue that into the inside flap {when you open up the heart flap, the first flap you look at}

TADAAAA. Finito!

 Here's one we made for the Monster's brotato chip, the Little Genius. Monster glued down some coloured matchsticks.

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