Panda Ruffled Sunsuit

By ari - March 23, 2013

Do you ever find projects that you've shoved in the corner of your sewing space and wonder why you didn't finish them? This is one of them. I made an entire sunsuit for Eddie about 4 months ago, and all it needed was buttons & buttonholes.

I've made this style before, it's by Little Betty Sews and very easy to make! Also free! I've also used this fabric before!

This was the 1 year old size, it's a little roomy on Eddie {except for the thighs, man! Legitimate drumsticks that girl has!}. I didn't hem the ruffles and I'm regretting it already. In future, all ruffles will be hemmed. I'm not really a fan of the frayed look!

Anyway I was looking for something else in my sewing room and found this all folded up in my pile of to-finish. I grabbed some buttons, some crappy thread, and somehow bent a needle with the buttons I used trying to sew them on. Eh, whatever! They're on now!

Now she has something fun to wear when we head to the beach to take pics for my next blog post :) Stay tuned, Sunday yo!

Nope. She can't crawl yet! 8 months and still quite content to sit on her butt. This is actually the first time she's held herself up on all fours, girl has no upper body strength! I like it though. She stays where I plop her.

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  1. SO CUTE. Love ruffled bums on little baby crawlers (or pre-crawlers in your case, hehe).

  2. Those chubby rolls are to die for! I find myself conflicted about the frayed look. First, it doesn't really come up as much on boys' clothes, but maybe because of making boys' clothes all the time, I find unfinished edges look. . . unfinished.

    And I hear you on the buttonholes/buttons. I often find myself at that final step and can't make myself go through with it. The entire outfit is complete and looking great and a misplaced buttonhole -- that literally takes a chunk out of the fabric -- will destroy so many hours of work.

    I'm mostly getting over it.

  3. so stinking cute!!! I have about 5 things in stages of unfinished ;op Some are mock ups from PR&P that never got the finishing touches, some are projects I just haven't fully decided on a design detail for and there they sit un complete... I really need to get on the ball before they are unwearable ;op

  4. Too cute!!! I can't believe she is 8 months already...has that much time really passed?

    -Ash P

  5. She is such a beautiful girl :) Love the cute little panda fabric :)

    I currently have a button up shirt with one buttonhole, because I ran out of coord thread, and 3 dresses without buttonholes or buttons just because ... well for no good reason. LOL and I have a simple one step buttonhole on my machine you would think I would just do it! But no... they are just laying around waiting for me to get my act together.

  6. Oh the cuteness! I'm glad she still got to wear it, I've found that is the danger of kids projects that get put in the almost finished pile- wait to long and you miss the size!

  7. "girl has no upper body strength"... bwahahahahahhaa.... so funny!!! Yep same one as the pics I showed you!!! But your baby looks like a little chubby wubby doll and mine looks like a roller derby hobbit. ha! Too cute, girl.... too cute! xoxo

  8. Really sweet Max! She's growing up so quick too.

  9. Lovely work! and that baby is adorable!


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