Oxygen: Space Jumper

By ari - March 01, 2013

Okay first lets start with the elephant in the room. Or maybe you haven't even noticed. But if you have you might be all like "What is up with these weird names you are giving your stuff lately?" Well the thing is, I have a REALLY hard time thinking up cool names for my creations. It's usually like "Teal Shirt" or "Floral Skirt". Pretty sure anything with flowers on it has been named "Rose Garden Something."

So to make things easier for myself, and to see how long it will take me, I'm naming my outfits after elements on the periodic table! Then at the end I will have a really cool Periodic Table of Stitchings. Yeh! Oh and also? I've been using 100% stuff from my stash. I have so many piles of clothes to reconstruct in some way, and it feels good to be using them up! I owe it all do dear Suzanne from W3 and this post!

So far we have had the Vanadium peplum top and the Chromium tunic, now we have the Oxygen Jumper!

A million years ago, back in the day when I first met Syl & Sam of Lipgloss & Black, and Amy of Shrinkle, and a whole bunch of other amazing and inspiring DIY designers, there was a girl called Supayana. I was pretty stoked to see that she is still DIYing and doing awesomely!

Her ideas and t-shirt surgeries are crazy inspiring, so when I saw this adorable sweatshirt on her Etsy I knew I wanted to make a similar one for Eddie!

I used the leftover black knit fabric from Vince's ninja pants for the body of this jumper. For the cuffs I used a pair of cable-knit leggings that were too cheap and thus the elastic snapped in the waistband one day while wearing them {it was awkward guys. Really awkward}. The old waistband became the neck & wrist bands and a part of the leggings' front became the bottom band of the sweater.

I drafted up the jumper from an existing one that Eddie owns that I absolutely love on her. It's a little purple raglan-sleeved Bonds jumper, it came to us as a hand-me-down and it just reminds me of every jumper I ever owned in the 90s ever.

I have had this half a metre of space fabric in my stash for a while. It's so pretty, too pretty to cut into, but as I declared earlier, nothing is sacred in this studio! I only needed a tiny scrap, and cut it on the bias to let it have a bit of stretchiness.

Also this is definitely not gender-specific. If Vinnie didn't already have a Batman hoodie he refuses to take off, I would make him one too ^_^

Guys I know, most of you are like, 'this is not a jumper.' It is. I've become so Americanised reading all your blogs and Tina keeps messaging me in all caps lock "YOU MADE A JUMPER", "THAT IS NOT A JUMPER", "THIS IS A JUMPER." I have been calling my jumpers 'sweaters' for years and years. In case Tina messages me again "YOU BLOGGED ABOUT A JUMPER" she will be caps-locking in proudness, not sarcasm.

Or maybe I could get really serious and start calling it a windcheater..

Oh and also Tina reckons that Eddie could totally go play the pokies in this jumper. What do you reckon? RSL-cool? Do most of you guys even know what the pokies or an RSL is? When did this post start becoming 'how Australian can Max get'?

Please leave your answers in the comments.

Also, my sister's baby is due today!

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  1. Very RSL cool, think the pokies are a little out of reach lol. Very Aussie! I'm glad I've found an oz blogger! :) also today is a great day to have a baby! It's my birthday today, and a friend of mine is due today also! I told her baby must be out by midnight, if not baby will share a birthday with the daddy tomorrow. :)

  2. I love it MATE! Totally thought of Nicole Kidman in BMX Bandits when you said windcheater (all those red curls and a yellow jumper). Eddie would look great at the RSL lol.
    What will you do for Hydrogen? I'm sure it will da bomb lol

  3. In the us pokey is slang for jail haha... But I don't think Eddie is going to jail in that "sweatshirt" also I live in Texas and us "southerners" have very different words from the "northerners" don't get us started on what we call our drinks haha- also love the periodic table idea, so smart!

  4. I just look at the pictures on your blog. Otherwise, I have no idea what you're talking about. Jumper? Kangaroo or trampoline. Sweater? Knitted garment; either homemade or manufactured. Sweatshirt? That's what this is. (And it's awesome! If you have an inch or so left of that stellar fabric, I can't wait to receive it!)

    Your emails are way worse. Still don't know if 'keen' is good or bad. ;D

  5. I'm glad I clicked over to read this post. It made me laugh :) LOL. It's a jumper to me.

    Hope the new bub arrives happy and healthy x

  6. Can absolutely see her in the pokie room.... Maybe with nana who is wearing a matching jumper and sipping on a shandy. Nana and baby in matching jumpers would have to equal some pretty good pokie juju right!?

  7. haha! I am so glad you explained the jumper bit at the end. I was lost for a moment. ;) Wind cheater is catchy though. I like that. In any case your *jumper* turned out darling! :)

  8. I'm English as you know, and that is a JUMPER here too. The name 'sweater' is horrible I think! What, so people sweat when they wear it? Yuck!

  9. OK - I know from my 'british' that jumper= sweatshirt, but you lost me at RSL ;op In America, a 'jumper' is a simple A-line dress that you can either wear a shirt under or not. I love that you expose me to new things, and thanks for the shout out ;o) Oh yeah - and the jumper is pretty darn cute too!

  10. Yay for stash busting! Cute!

  11. periodic table! You rock. Just yesterday I told Rocco we needed to find him a braille periodic table. We have his VI teacher working on it.

  12. periodic table! You rock. Just yesterday I told Rocco we needed to find him a braille periodic table. We have his VI teacher working on it.

  13. I really need to get on a fabric stash busting mission over here too. I love the periodic table thing. That will make for a fantastic photo montage. Thumbnails into the periodic table- no just me?

  14. I vote calling it a wind cheater. I can totally hear you calling it that in my head. It's really cute lady! That print on the jumper is really swell!!

  15. The day I say this post, I had just come home form Supre with some jersey material featuring the Australian Flag that my kids had found. They wanted some shirts and I was planning on doing a batwing jumper (it will always be an jumper to me) and hoped they wouldn't wear it out with me - not so keen on the blatant nationalism!

    Instead thanks to this post my girl looks great in a deconstructed flag raglan jumper. My boy got a pair of harem pants out of the other scrap although not as deconstructed but I couldn't resist having the Union Jack on the part he sat on!

    Thanks for the great idea.


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