Mohawk for a cold day

By Max California - March 07, 2010

So I made this adorable little tartan helmet thing for Vin for when it gets cold out. It's made out of op-shop-bought black wool tartan and lined in red broadcloth. Oh, did you notice the BRIGHT RED MOHAWK down the middle?

You did?

That's pretty cool too isn't it! I'm going to buy longer faux fur, so it will stick up higher. That's right.

This is the only decent shot I could get of the front. I still haven't put a snap on the chinstrap yet, so he pulls it off every second he can get. That's why his hands are full of things :D Yep. Clever mummy.

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  1. oh this is so cute, I would even wear a hat like that!

  2. That hat is soooo cute! Okay 7 random things here goes:

    1 - I am scared of the dark. If Corey isn't around I have to sleep with a light on.

    2 - I also have a random taste in music. My cd collection ranges from country to hip hop to old school rock to pop. I love it!

    3 - I am at uni about to graduate but I am still not sure if I really want to do this with my life. What I really want to be is a mother! I would be content to stay home with my kids all day.

    4 - I am allergic to chocolate and coconut.

    Okay so I only got 4 but I can't think of anymore at the moment. Hee hee!

  3. I want that Rocking Moose! For my future children of course...certainly not for me. *shifty eyes*

    Looove the mohawk hat thingy.

  4. That hat is too precious! I made mohawk hats for the men in my life not that long ago but they were much, much different. Hmm... I really need to posts pics of those.

    Let's see... 7 things about me...

    1. I cannot eat a food that is that pale artificial blue color. Just the thought of it makes me squeamish. It reminds me of Smurfs.

    2. I got a degree in art because I knew I'd end up working in an office somewhere for a living but knew that a degree would be beneficial so I studied something I had/have a passion for.

    3. My first name is Sarrah which is NOT pronounced Sarah. Honest! it's not! :) The extra R in it makes it "sir-RAH" or "suh-RAH". It's made up of the initials for my mother (SA), my biological father (RR), and my maternal grandmother (AH). My mother has a very plain name and wanted mine to be more creative. My nickname "Sashi" is short for "Sashibala" which is Hindi for Moon Girl... which describes me in several ways. I am in love with the night time, I am always my most energetic and creative after dark, and like the moon, I am full, round, and white. ;)

    4. I keep my hair pink and black because I have too many accessories in those colors now that I'd clash if I changed. (*giggle*)

    5. I rarely wear socks but when I do, chances are they are not going match. And it's not by accident.

    6. I met my husband through Yahoo personals in 1999 after I did a keyword search for "geek" within 25 miles of me. :)

    7. I always have at least one image of skull on me at all times in either my jewelry, watch or clothing. Eventually I will just get a skull tattoo. :)

  5. First of all, I love your work...I saw your stuff on Craftster and saw that you have a blog on blogspot so I had to check it out.
    ooo can I do the 7 random things too?

    7. I have a craft blog on blogspot too!
    6. I'm a mommy to a beautiful 15 month old daughter. She's just too cool for school.
    5. I hate plastic with a passion...It drives me nuts when my neighbors don't recycle.
    4. I have tattoos on my arms and first tattoos being on my calves. Crazy me!
    3. I live in conflict between wanting to be in nature and wanting to live in the city. My house has zero green space. In fact I think it has negative green space. No soil and not even enough sun to keep a plant alive!
    2. I have a love hate relationship with cleaning.
    1. I love to go bike riding! I just bought a trailer to bring my daughter around with me and enjoy the ride.

    Weee! That was fun. Thanks for letting me post randomness on your blog!


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