♥ Review:: Dana's Knee Pad Pants Tutorial

By Max California - March 17, 2010

 I usually try to figure things out for myself, but I have such a collection of tutorials I have found along the way and saved, I should put it to good use! And make some cute stuff while I'm at it. And inform you guys of how I went with it.

The first tutorial I decided to follow, my first in a VERY long time, was Dana from Made's Knee Pad Pants Tutorial. Dana is amazing. She is so inspiring to me, and is doing very well for herself simply by blogging about her family and her craftiness!

She also has two gorgeous little kids, a boy + a girl, so there is plenty of kiddie crafting inspo for me there!

I know, I know, it's a pants tutorial, similar to the one I made! But I thought I'd give it a go. She really explains very well how to make a pattern from an existing pair of pants that fid the tyke well. She does things differently to what I do them, I take more shortcuts, but they both turn out the same.

The kneepads on the pants were a fun little twist, and it's cute that you keep the edges raw. You also do some basic decorative stitching that was fun to do also.

I made Vincent's pants from the black plaid I made his waistcoat out of. I used the sleeve of a men's Superman shirt for the kneepads. They went together SO WELL.

Overall, the tutorial is REALLY well written for people who are inexperienced sewers but also is great for those who already know what they are doing. This tutorial is also fantastic for people who are only just diving into the world of sewing for children.

You can see more variations other people have made using this tutorial at Dana's flickr pool, you MADE it.

Visit Dana's blog

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  1. Super NEAT idea!

    What a cute tutorial and the model is GORGEOUS! Love the curls.

  2. Hi there. I wanted to say thanks for saying nice stuff about my snowflakes and vinyl purse. The vinyl WAS a pain to work with. It's fine for small projects, but I definitely would not want to keep making purses like this all the time. I really want to make one for myself. I even have it cut out! I'm just working up the guts to start sewing it.


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