Tutorial: Stormpooper Potty

By ari - March 31, 2012

That's right, you read correctly, we're going toilet humour here!

Little Monster is becoming a true nerd, and I couldn't be prouder. He is obsessed with Batman, he can identify and name Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Robin, Blue Beetle, Ironman, The Hulk, Spiderman and Green Goblin. And then there's Star Wars. He's almost got the hang of telling Stormtroopers and Clone Troopers apart, he calls Darth Vader "Duck Bay", he makes awesome lightsaber sound effects and really likes it when the bad guy loses {He doesn't realise Darth Vader is a bad guy, shhh}.

So when I decided to decorate one of his potties I thought something Star Warsy was in order. And then it came to me, Stormpooper. You could also do a Clonepooper. Or just a picture of Jabba the Hutt since he looks like a giant turd.

Ahhh I'm so amusing.

The idea was way better in my head, and if I did this again I probably wouldn't! I just hate fiddly projects and this was fiddly. Hit the link below to go to the tutorial!

I'm sure if one of those fortunate enough to own a Silhouette machine, this would be INFINITELY times easier. I don't. I DIY. Haha.

I used contact paper {clear but you really should use something you can SEE. Try black, or white, or ANYTHING THAT COLOUR IN IT} {seriously}, a stanley knife {I believe the American equivalent is an Xacto knife. How do you even pronounce that? Like Xray?}, some black paint and a potty!

I used this gloss paint that was kicking around. Spray paint would be quicker, funner and better.

This was one of those projects, which I'm sure you have discovered, where I just used whatever was lying around my house to complete.

I found a stormtrooper stencil online and used the font I already downloaded Star Jedi to make the graphic. I just held my contact paper over the screen and traced it. This is the part where I forgot it would be reversed when I stuck the contact paper down. So I scrapped the lettering. I wasn't in the frame of mind to mirror the word AND cut it out.

I've used this graphic alot, so I knew which parts needed to be blacked out. Otherwise make sure you trace it properly and not messily like this.

Wow I really should rename this How NOT to do a Stormpooper Potty. ^_^

Cut out the stencil and apply it to the inside back of the potty. This is why you shouldn't use clear contact. I had a hard time sticking down all the little bits because I couldn't see them! Use coloured/patterned contact paper, learn from my example.

Apply your paint. It's hard painting plastic, so that's why I think Spraypaint would be quicker and easier and less chance you're going to smudge it. Anyway, I dabbed it on and it still worked.

Let it dry then peel the contact paper off!

Here's a close up of the graphic once I peeled the contact paper away. It's kinda grungey and doesn't look TERRIBLE it's just not what I had in mind.

‘My entry into Creative Me is sponsored by Appliances Online and Bosch Washing Machines.'

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  1. Ahahah, this is so cute. (I think I say it like "X-Acto" But when I listen to myself say it, it sounds more like "X-zacto"?!!?)

  2. i really like that! i think it looks great the way it came out.

  3. still giggling about "Stormpooper" xDawesome idea!

  4. that is sooo cute! hahahaha

  5. Bwaaaaaahahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaa Love this.

  6. Stopping by from the Creative Me Link Up! http://queenofsavings.com


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