Kids Clothing Week - Day One: Winter Pjs

By ari - April 24, 2012

First day of the Kids Clothing Week Challenge went really well! I even left the house and took the little Monster to the library for Rhyme Time! #MummyPoints

I woke up pretty early to get started, not intentionally, but after Monster woke me at 4.30am I couldn't get back to sleep. I sat at 6am on the loungeroom floor cutting out fabric and freezer paper stencils.

Day One's list included three pairs of pyjamas for Vincent, cutting some sweaters up to make beanies for both the kids and leggings for Edison. I also wanted to resize some jeans for Vince but decided to just cut one pair to start with and make them the perfect fit, then cut the others to match that perfect pair.

The only thing that let me down was my t-shirt pattern. I still need to tweak it to make it perfect for Vinnie, and the neckline is too big in all three pyjama shirts. The pj pants are made using Dana's kids pants pattern. They fit him perfectly, except when he goes to bed at night. He wears nappies during the night still and there's no room in those pants for his nappy booty! More tweaking needed!

Dana's pattern for the pants has lasted me for Vince for over a year now. He's tall and lanky and I just love the width in the legs. Just need to make room for the junk in his trunk when I use it for pyjama pants.

Pretending to sleep...

The first set of pjs turned out really well. The neckline is a tad too gapey but compared to the other two pj shirts it looks awesome {I'm really disappointed in myself with the shirts}. I got the space invader flannelette from Spotlight. I got half a metre of each flannelette, not realising that my son's legs are longer than half a metre! The Space Invaders go horizontally across the front, but vertically down the back. No biggie. It's a 'design element'.

I freehanded a space invader onto some freezer paper and made a stencil for the shirt. The cuffs are blue leftovers from a Superman tee I made the kid a fortnight ago {which I'll blog about after KCWC}.

The next pyjama set is made using this cute snowboarding flanno. I chose it because suddenly Vince likes skateboards, even though I don't know where we got it from. We have a few skateboards but Tim and I don't skate anymore! Anyway snowboards are the next best thing.

I freehanded a larger version of one of the snowboarder silhouettes and made it into a freezer paper stencil for the shirt. I like how THAT turned out. I lazily made this shirt raglan sleeved, but really didn't think about what I was doing. The neckline in this shirt is WAY too big. I'm pretty sure I can fix it and make it like a boat-neck, we'll see! The cuffs on the shirt are black, and the pants have black cuffs too.

Last pj set I did was from this cuuuuuuute vespa flannelette. The fabric is like a mushroom colour with black scooters over it. Vince loves scooters! 

The shirt is black with a fold-over neckband, which made it look like a loose skivvy or a tiny cowl-neck. Blergh. Still, he's only going to sleep in it. I made a quick V appliqué for his name, although it could stand for Vespa too. Heh. The scooter pyjama pants have the same black cuffs as the snowboarding set.

I didn't get photos of the leggings and beanie yet for Edison, but it was a quick last minute thing I sewed up last night. 

I resized a pair of jeans into some jeans for Vince, they turned out really well for his height. All of a sudden I constantly have to alter my patterns for him to get them to fit! The crotch is a bit low in these jeans, but they fit him well and he loves them.

I managed to sew up all I had on my list for the day that I wanted to get done, but I'm a little disappointed in those two pyjama shirts. I really need to work on the t-shirt pattern I've made. I've been trying to get the perfect fit tee for Monster, but the neckline is always either too big or too small. Onwards! Maybe I'll have it perfected by the end of this week?

Honestly trying to get photos of my Monster in the clothes I make him is nearly impossible these days! He doesn't stand still for more than a second!

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  1. Awesome pyjamas, even if the neck isn't quite as you want it. Love your fabrics, especially the space invaders and the stencils are perfect!!!

  2. I think you did an awesome job on all the PJS!Dont beat yourself up! I just found out Im preggos with baby three and got a new sewing machine, so I am getting tons of inspiration from your blog! Just wanted to let you know I enjoy reading it!

  3. Those are the cutest PJs! I kinda want those space invader PJs for myself ;) Lots of great sewing in one day! Wooohoooo!

  4. Wow, you were busy. I was really pleased I managed 1 pair of pjs on day one. They are all brilliant, I love the fabrics you chose and your freehand stencils are amazing.


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