Sewing & Wednesday Addams

By ari - December 21, 2012

Just popping by really really quickly. I should be sewing but I needed to check something on the laptop and then BAM I decided I needed to add a post.

It's really hard not sharing the photos of what I'm working on for Project Run & Play! I'm taking a billion photos though, and when I get the chance I'm going to have a Project Run & Play Diaries sort of thing to share with you when the competition starts and I've sewn all my pieces.

It's really exciting, I'm pushing my boundaries and finding that I am rising to the challenge! Scary, only 16 days until my first submission and I really want as many of my pieces finished by then. I have a few themes sketched and KNOW what I'm doing, but there are two and a half challenges that I am so blank. It's bad, but I know once I get what I'm working on out of the way I can refocus and work on those blank things...

ANYWAY. Edison is 5 and a half months old now, but here's a cute photo of her at 4 months! This is her third Wednesday dress, and once she's turned 12 months I will share them all with you.

Okay, back to stitching! bye!

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  1. what a cutie - and way to go being so far ahead. I have sketches done for most of the challenges, and three different designs for the first one started ;op Yeah that isn't really productive. Today I hope to finish all my Christmas commitments and then be ready to sew sew sew - ha, it never works out that way though, does it.

  2. Ok, so I officially want to bite her fat knees. That is it!

  3. Happy stitching! Edison is an absolute angel. xxx

  4. Good luck I am really excited to see what you come up with :)

  5. Good luck I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)

  6. Oh my goodness, she is cuh-ute! Can't believe our little girls are going to be six months soon! Nostalgic sigh.


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