Vanadium: Peplum Top

By ari - February 26, 2013

Do you have fabric that just sits in your stash for years and years and years because it's so special, there's something about it that makes it almost sacred for you? That's pretty much my entire stash!

This year though, after some dramz with one of the local fabric stores, I have decided that I am going to use my stash! Why be afraid of it? The worst that can happen is I severely mess up whatever it is I am sewing from it... that's pretty bad but at least I could salvage it... right?

Anyway, I had this shirt in my stash, I bought it when I was pregnant with Edison and I just loved it. I never wore it, I knew it was destined for greater things than just an oversized sweater on a preggo lady {not so oversize really}. It was made from a brushed cotton, and had this amazing black paisley print all over the yummiest teal colour. It sat folded in my 'clothes to cut up' pile for ages. Until last night.

I didn't really know what I was going to make out of it. I grabbed the shirt and brought it up from my studio and then started pattern drafting. Using the Geranium Dress pattern I held the front bodice part up to Eddie and measured quickly about how long I would need to make it into a top {an extra 11cm}. Lengthening the bodice on paper, I made the sides flare out a little at the sides to accommodate for her yummy tummy.

I love the way the peplum flares out. I made it twice the circumference of the bottom of the top, gathering it before attaching it. it's lined with black fabric with white polka dots. The peplum is just a long rectangle sewn into a loop.

The back has four {badly spaced} yellow buttons! I've been so inspired by my friend Kat lately. I love her love of bright colours, and the way she mixes patterns with reckless abandon {and it ALWAYS looks amazing}. I was going to use black buttons, but then I saw the yellow and a little voice inside me {probably Kat's voice} whispered, "Do it!" And so I did.

I also used fuschia pink bobbin thread when I did the buttonholes so the inside of them is awesome pink!

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  1. I think that's also my entire stash! But what an awesome argument this little top makes for breaking into it. Inspiring! (And I need to be inspired -- I plan to move this summer and I swear to St. Anne that I'm not doing it with all that fabric.)

  2. Great use of your stash! I agree, love the paisley on that gorgeous teal& she looks great in it. I see you haven't taken much of a break since the contest! Yay for all of us though, right?

  3. Oh I just absolutely adore this top, it is soo cute! The cut, the flare, and that yummy fabric... Delicious!

  4. sooo cute, and I love the yellow buttons - the fabric is just AMAZING!!!

  5. It's really beautiful and so is Edison :)

  6. Love it! The fabric is awesome, peplum adorable, buttons amazing, and your daughter. You know how I feel about her.

  7. I'm in your head!! Mwahahhaahhahahhhah! I love it in here, it sure is cozy! And that top is just perfection! Yellow was the perfect addition ;-) xoxoxooxo

  8. I like the yellow buttons! I would have defaulted to the black buttons always inspiring to see the more daring option working well.

  9. I love your sewing, and this top is fantastic. But I couldn't really focus on anything except HOW BEAUTIFUL EDISON IS. I mean seriously, she is stunning. Her eyes! The rolls of fat on her arms! Her cheeeeeeks. Yummy baby!

  10. I am so in love with your new little model. Uh oh my biological clock is ticking away!

  11. Oh Eddie. such a doll! Love the peplum flair and the big buttons! Double love those!

  12. Oh that fabric is amazing! I'm totally the same about being afraid to use my stash. (Like I'm afraid I will never find cool fabric again.) And I love the touch of the yellow buttons on the back. Great job!
    Thanks for linking up!


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