Chromium: Chambray Tunic

By ari - February 28, 2013

So I have the most ridiculous collection of pins on my Girl Style board. But oh my goodness so inspiring! I wanted to sew something up for Eddie, and I saw this pin and decided it was doable.

I originally started using the Geranium Dress as a base pattern, but to figure out how to add sleeves to it, well I know I've done it before but today it just wasn't meshing in my brain. So I scrapped that idea, grabbed a little dress of Eddie's that had sleeves and a collar and used that as a base for my pattern.

I chose an old chambray-look shirt that Tim used to wear when he managed a phone store. It was his uniform for when he left the shop and had to do official things. I don't know. This was made entirely from the back of the shirt and the collar was cut from the bottom of one front of the shirt. I'm really stoked with my pattern-making-from-existing-clothing skills were today! The collar fit the neckline PERFECTLY. I fist-pumped in real life.

I stitched the bodice pieces to the skirt pieces, then attached the placket. I did a contrast placket {and successfully did not get a photo of it} using this tutorial. In case you are wondering the inside part of the placket is blue tartan. You can see a tiny bit of it peeking out the top of the tab.

The tab buttons on, although to get the shirt on and off I unbutton just the one side. It's a really cute little tunic, and in a little while I will upload the {refined} pattern for it. I think it will fit her for a long time, but if I made it as a dress it would fit her even longer. The placket needs to be a teensy bit longer as it was a bit of a tug to get it over her beautiful round head.

I've been sewing tunics for her lately, like mini-dresses that are actually shirts. Although she can't crawl yet, I know that a dress will just get in the way. Thus, tunics!

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  1. Love!! And love the color combo!

  2. GAH she's amazing.

    You are too, this is SO great! I need to do some for-fun sewing ASAP.

  3. This is darling! Love the chambray and cute with little leggings. Eddie makes me baby hungry. haha. and I have one!

  4. Yes! Tunics are key!!!! Just say no to babies crawling in dresses!!!! These colors make me smile too ! Well don on this lady!!! Xoxox


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