Edison DOES wear what her mama makes her

By ari - July 23, 2012

I didn't make anything in this picture except for the baby.
I just wanted to show you how cute she was yesterday at 13 days old.

A lot of the posts you've been seeing since Edison was born have been scheduled posts. I've had them pre-prepared and posting automatically, although I have LOVED getting emails and reading the comments from you guys.

I suppose you deserve to see photos of my babe IN the pretty little things I've been making her! If you follow my facebook page, you'd have already seen Edison in the Rose Garden shirt dress, but if you haven't, here she is!

She is one week old in these photos. She is Two weeks old today!
I was so stoked that it fit her so well! It will fit her for a little while yet too. I didn't think I would have such a tiny baby because all I can remember from Vincent is huge big rolls of white marshmallow breastfed goodness.

As you can see she LOVED the capelet...

No she was just trying to tell me that earlier she had been trying to tell me that she wanted boobie, not the play dress ups. If she could talk I swear her most often used phrase would be, "THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAAAAAAANT"

I had her in the Green Tartan dress a few days ago, but she vommed epicly all over it. So now it's washed I'll dress her in it again and take some photos before she turns into a hot mess. One thing is to be said for a vomity baby {Vince wasn't at all}, I get to play dress up A LOT.

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  1. Gosh, so cute. Could just eat her up.

  2. Edison is just amazing!!

  3. She is ADORABLE!!! thank you so much for sharing pictures of her. What a beautiful bubba :-)

  4. Oh my goodness! So cute. I love the little cape, I'm glad you guys are having the weather to rock it.

  5. What a CUTIE. I love the first picture of her with the headband... she's just adorable!

  6. Oh, Edison is SUCH a pretty baby! Seriously!

  7. She is so beautiful. Congratulations.

  8. oh my goodness. This is the first pic I have seen of her..havent been online lately. She is sooooooooooooooo adorable!!!!!


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