Green Tartan Dress

By ari - July 20, 2012

I wanted to make something that I had a pattern for, so I decided to give the Party Dress pattern and tutorial by a whirl. It was free and I already had it printed out.

The pattern was straight-forward and easy, although I don't really like how deep the sleeves curve, and I was looking at the sleeve pattern and thinking it was a strange shape. Next time I make this dress I might just leave the sleeves off because it looked cuter!

The instructions for constructing it were a little strange too, it's lined but the shoulder seams are stitched together and visible on the inside. It's really difficult to explain, but I would probably google some lined bodice tutorials next time to make sure it looks pretty on the inside too. I just feel that if I'm going to line something it should look almost reversible!

Apart from my constructive {I hope?} criticism, the pattern was really easy to use and the instructions were really easy to follow. It's a cute little dress and I can't wait to put it on Edison!

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  1. Usually mined bodices should be a mirror image of the outside. You could probably save the pattern by doing what you suggested and doing the inside sleeves separate but then on adult garments I usually stitch the ditch at the shoulder seems to keep it together. I don't that's a possibility with a baby garment.

  2. Sew dang cute!!! I love the fabric choices :) Adorable!


  3. Personally I love it and I think the sleeves look great! I love the fabric. Pretty please can we see pictures of Edison wearing it? :-)

  4. Very cute! I adore the green tartan fabric! I'd love to see one without the arms though, because it does look like it would be even cuter without them.


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