Floral Sunsuit

By ari - July 07, 2012

I pinned this Dagmar Daley sunsuit a little while ago, and the other day when I was determined to use up my fabrics in my stash, I decided I would make something similar.

I used an Enid Gilchrist romper pattern for the leghole area and as a guide for the length of the body. I'm not sure on the sizing but I'm going to say it'll fit her when she's 6-9months, depending on how chunky she is.

It has a sweet-heart neckline that I faced, then added two rows of peach ric-rac. The straps were sandwiched between the facing and the sunsuit and are just knotted as a halter.

The back has elastic in it, to keep it up. I really want to buy some elastic thread and I'm considering shirring across the back? I do like the baggy puffiness of this though. The legs are just elasticated.

And the inspiration:

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  1. Adorable Max! You are certainly having fun sewing for girls now...


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