KCWC: Strong Man Singlet

By ari - October 11, 2011

This morning I stenciled a moustache onto some stripey fabric, then made a quick little muscle shirt out of it using a singlet of the Monster's as a guide.

After about 10 years of hearing the internet tell me how wonderful Freezer Paper was and being irritated I couldn't just pick it up at the store, I bought some off eBay. 75 feet to be exact! Let's see how far it will take me!

I used Dana's tutorial of Freezer Paper stencilling, which you can find here.

As you can see it is a tad short! This Monster won't stop growing UP!

"Show me your muscles!"
I'm seriously in love with Freezer Paper stencilling! I have so many things in the Monster's Pinterest board of things I want to stencil!

He has a 'silly walk' 

I got the idea for the shirt from this rad singlet in the Elsie Marley Flickr Pool!

Source: flickr.com via Adam on Pinterest


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  1. I freaking love that shirt!

  2. love this shirt! why can't you buy freezer paper? I had a little trouble finding some at first, but ended up finding it in my grocery store. You are right, freezer paper stenciling is addicting!

  3. So freakin' cute! I want to make one of these for myself now.


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