Pinecone Centrepiece

By ari - October 30, 2011

Painfully easy but I love the look!

A few weeks ago we went on a hilarious family adventure with my in-laws. We got lost in the middle of a forest, then when we arrived we checked crab pots in a little old boat [I got to row!], had a feast for lunch before Monster and I both had a huge midday nap [heh]. Then we went fishing in ankle-deep mud and Monster and I decided t find cool pinecones.

I spray painted them with gloss black and gave them a few coats to make sure I was getting every little bit. Then I but them in a nice white ceramic bowl I had. It doesn't look like much now, but Tim is redoing our dining set to be black and the wall it is against is going to be painted yellow!

This is only half the pinecones we have. I want to paint the rest but I don't know what colour. White? Gold? And what should I do with them?

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  1. Hmm.Ich hoffe du verstehst Deutsch.
    Ich finde deinen Blog echt wunderschön.Die Sachen die für deinen Jungen und dich nähst sind schön,einzigartig und fantasievoll!!!
    Ich möchte dir gern diesen Award überreichen http://www.fliegende-kü


    Sabrina von www.fliegende-kü

  2. I think, you should try this:

    The tutorial is in german, but for inspiration... or with google-translater ;)


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