Getting Ready

By ari - May 26, 2012

I am here and I have been working furiously behind the scenes. I'm not going to make any announcements yet until everything is locked in and ready, but I'm planning a really fun celebration for the week my daughter will be born.

Also I've been working my butt off getting ready for a party we're throwing tomorrow, Carnival themed! We've even hired a clown to do face-painting and balloon animals and a little treasure hunt. The thing is, it's a huge outdoor party but it has been FREEZING here the last week. And the party is in the morning so it's going to be really cold.

I hope miraculously it will be a super hot day, weather is crazy like that here.

Anyway I'll share some photos with you of what I've been working on, it's weird crafting and not blogging about it but I've got so many big projects in the works!

I photoshopped an invite together, using a variety of striped and aged textures from DeviantArt as well as some circus images from The Graphics Fairy.

Every party we have is themed, and this one is no different. We LOVE dressing up, I swear between my mum, my sister and I we could open a costume store! We've done Cowboys & Indians {poop I need to find some of those missing pictures}, Monsters and recently a Pirate party.

I posted all the invites out, because getting mail is cute and being local the guests got their invites the next day.

I made the envelopes myself! I got A4 printer paper and made a stamp out of strips of cardboard glued onto a cardboard base. I painted the cardboard, smoothed the paper over the top then peeled it off to get some cool irregular striped paper.

Then I changed the shape of an envelope slightly to be able to fit the invite in it, and used it as a template. I cut out the striped paper and folded, glued and voila!

I don't have very many photos of the other things yet, mainly because the party is tomorrow and I can take LOTS of photos then. Hopefully! Also I don't want to spoil the fun of the guests {even though they are 3 and younger}

Don't worry this was a progress shot. They're stitched up now, no pins!

I made 33 mini bean bags filled with rice for the bean bag toss and the knock-em-down game, the kids get to take them home. I also thought they'd be awesome mini heat packs.. Ha-ha.

I melted down crayons and used some circus themed molds I bought to make some pretty awesome chunky crayons. I made little colouring in books too, using biasbinding as the spine on them. On the back is a thank you note for coming to the party.

Tim is going as the Ringmaster, I'm going to be the Bearded Lady and Vincent is going to be the Strong Man! It's going to be pretty fun! I just hope it's not too cold because there are A LOT of children coming and it's going to be pretty crammed inside my tiny living room otherwise!

I'll be making a post after the party with everything I made for it, as well as downloadable printouts of the signs I've made and where I sourced everything. In the meantime, check out my Circus Party board on Pinterest!

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  1. This party looks like sooooo much fun! I would have loved to go & I'm not even a little kid, lol.


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