Tutorial: Toddler Cowl Scarf

By ari - June 30, 2012

I made this little cowl for Vincent one freezing cold day ten seconds before we had to be on the bus. It's SO simple and so easy to whip up, so I feel like cheating by making a 'tutorial' but here is one anyway!

It's a stretchy band that slips easily over Vince's head, and keeps his neck nice and warm. If I made it longer and wider I could slip it up over the back of his head like a hood. It works so much better on the little guy than a scarf, and is way cuter than a skivvy/turtleneck shirt.

First you'll need some fleece, make sure it stretches, or some stretch fabric. I think stretchknit/jersey would work really well as a more casual cowl rather than a snuggy warm one.

He looks like such a cute little alien!
Measure around your kid's head to make sure it will be able to slip over them. Vincent is 3 and has a regular sized head {I'd like to think so!} so the measurement around his head is 55cm. Add a few cms for seam allwance. The blue cowl I made measured 60cm long and about 30cm tall. Cut a rectangle out this measurement, making sure the stretch of the fabric goes ACROSS the cowl.

If you're going to decorate the cowl, do it now. I decided to add a star applique to it. You can grab the star template from the stencils page. Follow this tutorial on how to applique!

Fold the cowl in half lengthways so the short sides are matched up and sew down the seam.

Now flip it right side out and you're totally done! How easy huh!

It is almost impossible to get photos of him 'modelling' for me lately.
This is the only time he sits still, when watching Lego movies.

It was SO cold! I made his jeans too from an old pair of mine that were a ridiculous cut on me.

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  1. Aaand now all the groms have like ten of that each !!! It's so cold outside in france and "this is much cooler than scarf!!!" (that's what they said ).
    Anyway, I'm not a mom but a aunt and i love read your blog and make some rock, nerd and funny sewing ideas.
    So thank you ! (and sorry if I made some clerical or sentence error but I'm french and I don't speak english very well).


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