My Handmade Kids

By ari - September 05, 2012

I don't always get to blog about the stuff I make, or manage to get decent enough photos of the clothes being worn. So here's a mass amount of photos of my handmade kids {I made them too!}

Edison stuffed into her Itty Bitty Newborn Dress, a free pattern from Made by Rae

Edison in her peasant dress

I'm fairly sure you've seen this photo before! Edison in her Wednesday Addams dress & batman leggings

Blue Plaid boots!
Checked Pants. They had buttons & bows up the side seams

Vince's Superman Hoodie!
Edison's Dino Hoodie. She was 6 days old here! Perfection
Vince's Cowl
I didn't make the bow but I made a black stretch lace headband with a loop to clip her hairbows onto

Batman leggings made by me. ADORABLE BOOTIES AND CARDIGAN made by my cousin!
More Batman legs? Okay.

Button-up plaid shirt
The only decent photo of Eddie in the Green Tartan Dress...
Edison personalised onesie!

Vincent Skateboarding in his Superman tee!
Lucky this thing still fits and it is warming up! She wore the peach tulle ra-ra skirt very briefly.
Mickey Mouse Hoodie

College Jumper!

That day I let him choose his own clothes... Living End tee was a resizejob and those leggings UNDER his shorts are pj pants

Ruffled leopard print leggings! One of the first things I made her.
Those gorgeous booties again, made by my cousin
I made this set from two pairs of ladies pants. The Pants were for Vince but he outgrew them before I finished! The pinny for Edison is put away for her to grow into.
Also something Vince grew out of before I finished! A pair of ladies board shorts into boy boardies! Matching headband for Edison
One pair of ladies pants into a pair of Vincent shorts & Edison leggings.

Phew. That'll do for now!

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  1. Harley Quinn pants, what what??? Whose are those bad boys?
    Man, I love that Superman hoodie! Gah! My son calls his daddy Batman, I'm either Cat Woman or Wonder Woman (all depending on his mood, haha) and he is Superman. He's 2.5. :) Oh man, I love nerdy kiddos!

  2. This is amazing! I especially love those booties, and I have the perfect fabric set aside to make my man some underwear, so I'm off to bookmark that tutorial right now.

  3. I so enjoy seeing your work! Also, Friday I scheduled a post &noted your Batman Hoodie in it, since it made me buy the pattern& sew my girls version. <3

  4. I dont know where you find the energy! Haha supermum!

  5. *hugs to the family* you're awesome miss.. damn overachiever. Elwood and I shall have to come visit soon!

  6. Oh gosh, this is all so awesome! I don't feel like I'm ever going to get this much sewing done for my kid, lol.

  7. It's all amazing! And your kids are adorable as well, of course. I love those little checked leggings! So cute! I get the best ideas from you, thank you.


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