Like a Flash

By ari - September 18, 2013

I bought a huge Flash tee like last year, intending to make it into something cute for me. Oh how I severely underestimated my son's big blue eyes and his "Pweeeeease?"

So instead of an epic reconstruction, it ended up into a quick and easy resize using Dana's free t-shirt pattern (I'm so lucky that Vincent is a tiny bit younger than Owen, so all her boy patterns are in a timely fashion for me!)

Size 4 is a little big on him still, he's a tall skinny little lad, but that's just fine with him (and me) because this shirt will last a while I think!)

That's his fake smile. He learned how to fake smile because whenever we go places, tourists stop us to ask if they can take photos with my children. It was incredible in New Zealand, so many people wanting to pose with my children!

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  1. So cute! <3 The shirt looks great x

  2. I bet people want to pose with your kids because they are always wearing such cute clothes!!! hehehe =)

  3. Looks great! I'm about make Max a flash costume for his super hero party!

  4. My son has not yet learned to ask for clothes, but sometimes "pweeese" asks for furniture and bedding for his stuffed animals and Lego men. This is really an adorable shirt, and reminds me that I have a beer shirt I need to cut down for my little one (he specifically asked for this "beew" shirt to be his).

  5. So cute! I love repurposing! We've got some great thrift shops in Belgium and I'm always on the hunt :)


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