White Country Dress

By ari - October 22, 2013

Lol the surprised garden gnome behind her!

I'm a little in love with pom-pom trim. It's SO CUTE. And it washes well too! I cut up a dress that mum donated to me for sewing, and made Edison this sweet little white dress. It's basically like a pillowcase dress (there's a million tutorials for those on the web!) but I made straps for it and sewed elastic in the front and back and a little bit on the straps.

I kept the existing hem of the dress, and sewed some teal pom-pom trim around it. It's such a cute little dress, and I really plan on making more (how many dresses does a little girl need? I don't care!)

I was inspired by Scary from the Shaffer Sisters' little nightgown for her girl Boston, as well as this dress.

It's so fun and summery and perfect for our new country life!

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  1. All I can say is, dangnabbit that is one cute garden gnome! Oh wait, there's another one? Behind her? I didn't notice. She's adorable, and I love this dress!

  2. She's so cute, that sweet little dress is too perfect for her! Lol at the gnome. Oh my, knicker!! :o

  3. Super cute! I love little girls in white and blue. And she has got the sweetest little chubby knees!

  4. So cute and perfect for our warm summer. Im not normally a pompom trim fan, but you've made it look great!

  5. So cute! Both dress and model!

  6. pompoms are so cute! that child of yours looks like mischief


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