Sew Geeky: Jango is my homeboy and an Introduction

By ari - April 23, 2013

This is a very exciting post for me! 

First let me ramble a little...
Since Kat and I started talking and becoming best biffles last year, we  discovered we have a lot in common. It's not like we're separated at birth, but we compliment each other pretty darn well! While she leans more toward the Japanese/Anime style of things, I lean toward more typical geek ventures of comic books and sci-fi movies. Did I say we lean? More like we are dancing. Both of us like to game, but two things that we are truly united in is fun and exciting sewing for our kids and pushing boundaries.

Here's where it gets meaty...
So Kat came up with the idea of doing a series together. YAY! This was right before I even was asked to do Project Run & Play, so we started planning. It was pretty much a no brainer to do something geeky. And after realising we are no good at coming up with clever names, Sew Geeky was born!

Here's where you get the details of what the heck I'm talking about...
Sew Geeky is a once  month sewing series hosted by myself and my dear friend Kat of Sew Chibi. Each month we will have a different theme, and our individual takes on the theme. We will be sewing for our kids, or sometimes for ourselves! Each month the theme will be something, well, geeky!

Our first Sew Geeky is going to go live on the most geektastic of days, May 25, Geek Pride Day!

Here's the part where we get you to sew along!
It's not just Kat & I doing Sew Geeky. We want everyone in on this. This means you! Each month we will have a nerdtastic theme. Each month we will have two guest bloggers participating {if you're interested, email us!}. Submit your stitchings to the Sew Geeky Flickr Pool. If it's geeky, we want to see it! We're talking sci-fi, comics, pop culture, board games, video games, if you've been called a geek for something you are passionate about, pop it in the pool! {A Flickr pool is a group made on photo-sharing website Flickr. No swimming necessary!}

Just a few basic housekeeping rules so it's not just a free for all as there are plenty of other places you can show off your sewing creations as well as various link parties! We want this to stay an awesome group for your one stop nerdifying needs!

- it must be something you have made, and not something you are trying to sell
- it can be children's or adult's clothing!
- please add it to the Sew Geeky Flickr group, otherwise we might miss your creations and we really don't want that! If you have a blog, please link up so we can stalk, find you!
- no more than two photos in the flickr group please, of the one outfit. Feel free to link to your blog in the photo descriptions, and also feel free to make more than one outfit of course!

And last but not not least...

Here's the part where you can take our buttons!

And so this is still Kids Clothing Week related, I made these two tees for Vincent today!

Jango is my Homeboy
Fabric: White and navy stretchknit
Pattern: Dana's basic tee pattern. I added a pauldron on one shoulder. the front is white and the back is navy.
What makes it epic: I freezer paper stencilled Jango Fett's helmet onto the front. I was going to stencil the lettering, then realised I had some of Lesley Riley's TAP on hand to experiment with! More on this amazing fabric transfer paper another day! I added a pauldron on the shoulder, just one shoulder, because when it comes to making boy stuff, why does it have to be a regular tee?

Obi-Wan tee

Fabric: White fabric. I bought it thinking it would stretch, and it does a LITTLE. It's the same fabric I used for Edison's TARDIS bimaa sweater, and I stencilled both of them at the same time a year or so ago.
Pattern: Dana's basic tee pattern. I made the bands on the sleeves and around the neck too wide. Maybe it's Obi-Wan's turtleneck?
What makes it epic: This is just a tee with the Jedi symbol on the front, but to Vincent, it's Obi-Wan Kenobi's shirt. I used freezer paper to make the symbol, pretty straightforward and easy. The fit is weird, but it's entirely the fabric's fault. I made some bias binding in Jedi Brown {the only excuse to use brown ever} from some fabric, but it wouldn't stay ironed. This is the shirt of mysterious fabrics!

Can someone please tell me to stop making making white shirts for my 4 year old? Most impractical colour ever.

Don't forget to add your geekery to our flickr pool! 
We want to see your true colours! There's a little nerd in all of us! 

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  10. This makes me so happy, looking forward to flying my geek flag in your pool!

  11. Brilliant! I'm excited by this


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